Ładowanie w toku
  • POKAZY 5
  • FILMY 3

Brian Evers

Brian Evers wystąpił w 5 seria i 3 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Joshua Reynolds w serialu Gilmore Girls. W kinie, jako Elton w filmie fabularnym Other People's Money.

Brian Evers

Pokazy (5)

Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls
Joshua Reynolds
General Wallace
Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal
Mr. Puckett
Knots Landing
Knots Landing
The District
The District
Laboratory Chief / Monsignor Stephen Banning

Filmy (3)

Other People's Money
Other People's Money
Eat and Run
Eat and Run
Man on Phone
Ed Gein
Ed Gein
Henry Gein