Ładowanie w toku
  • POKAZY 8
  • FILMY 4

Gina Stockdale

Gina Stockdale wystąpił w 8 seria i 4 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Older Woman w serialu Riverdale. W kinie, jako Queen Mother (voice) w filmie fabularnym Barbie of Swan Lake.

Gina Stockdale

Pokazy (8)

Older Woman
Dawno, dawno temu
Dawno, dawno temu
Auntie Em
Gwiezdne Wrota SG-1
Gwiezdne Wrota SG-1
Kinsey's Maid
Gwiezdne Wrota Atlantyda
Gwiezdne Wrota Atlantyda
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour: The Series
Sampler Lady
Little House on the Prairie (2005)
Little House on the Prairie (2005)
Mrs. Scott
The Twilight Zone (2002)
The Twilight Zone (2002)
Dying Woman

Filmy (4)

Barbie of Swan Lake
Barbie of Swan Lake
Queen Mother (voice)
Barbie of Swan Lake
Barbie of Swan Lake
Queen Mother (voice)
Due East
Due East
Miss Mossie
Stranger in the House
Stranger in the House
Mrs. Knowles