Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 10/10/1932
  • ŚMIERĆ 29/01/2005
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 5
  • FILMY 6

Ron Feinberg

Ron Feinberg to 72-letni aktor (10 octobre 1932 - 29 janvier 2005). Ron Feinberg wystąpił w 5 seria i 6 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Arnold (voice) / Cool Hands Luke (voice) / Coolhands Luke (voice) w serialu TaleSpin. W kinie, jako Lou McDermott w filmie fabularnym Dying Room Only.

Ron Feinberg

Pokazy (5)

Arnold (voice) / Cool Hands Luke (voice) / Coolhands Luke (voice)
Agent Kuper
Agent Kuper
Vladimir Goudenov Grizzlikoff / Angry Citizen / Sailor (voice)
Night Court
Night Court
Man in Dress
Barney Miller
Barney Miller
Lyle W. Farber
The Centurions
The Centurions
Doc Terror (voice)

Filmy (6)

Dying Room Only
Dying Room Only
Lou McDermott
The Mini-Munsters
The Mini-Munsters
Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins
Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins
Rayden / Goro (voice)
Brian's Song
Brian's Song
Veteran Player #2
A Boy and His Dog
A Boy and His Dog
Davy Crockett on the Mississippi
Davy Crockett on the Mississippi
Mike Fink / Flatboat Sailor (voice)