Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 20/05/1929
  • ŚMIERĆ 26/04/1976
  • Kraj Kanada
  • POKAZY 5
  • FILMY 2

Neil McCallum

Neil McCallum to 46-letni aktor (20 mai 1929 - 26 avril 1976). Neil McCallum wystąpił w 5 seria i 2 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Ed Jopley / Nick Vashetti w serialu Święty. W kinie, jako Jim Dawson w filmie fabularnym Dr. Terror's House of Horrors.

Neil McCallum

Pokazy (5)

Ed Jopley / Nick Vashetti
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
2nd Policeman (voice) / 4th Policeman (voice) / Airport Controller (voice) / Professor G.A. Carney / Security Centre Guard (voice) / Raynor (voice)
The Protectors
The Protectors
Department S
Department S
Eddie Curtis
Carl Mason

Filmy (2)

Dr. Terror's House of Horrors
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors
Jim Dawson
Thunderbirds Are GO
Thunderbirds Are GO
Dr. Ray Pierce (voice)