Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 25/01/1927
  • ŚMIERĆ 31/10/2015
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 8
  • FILMY 15

Gregg Palmer

Gregg Palmer to 88-letni aktor (25 janvier 1927 - 31 octobre 2015). Gregg Palmer wystąpił w 8 seria i 15 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Rancher (uncredited) w serialu Star Trek. W kinie, jako Burly Man w filmie fabularnym The Shootist.

Gregg Palmer

Pokazy (8)

Star Trek
Star Trek
Rancher (uncredited)
Bartender / Benson / Blacksmith / Bodine / Clete Davis / Deputy Reed / Doak / Fletcher / Fry / Harry / Hulett / Jake / Jake Craig / Joe Guthrie / Nicols / Sheriff Jackson / Simeon Reed / Wales / Wells
The Big Valley
The Big Valley
Mel Coombs
The High Chaparral
The High Chaparral
Colonel Bell
Death Valley Days
Death Valley Days
David Randall
The Virginian
The Virginian
Cal / Cowboy / Cowhand / Deputy Roberts / Peters / Sheriff / Sunday

Filmy (15)

The Shootist
The Shootist
Burly Man
Big Jake
Big Jake
John Goodfellow
La vita, a volte, è molto dura, vero Provvidenza?
La vita, a volte, è molto dura, vero…
Hurricane Kid Smith
Taza, Son of Cochise
Taza, Son of Cochise
Captain Burnett
Hot Lead & Cold Feet
Hot Lead & Cold Feet
Revolt at Fort Laramie
Revolt at Fort Laramie
Capt. James 'Jamie' Tenslip
The Battle at Apache Pass
The Battle at Apache Pass
Joe Bent (as Palmer Lee)
The Creature Walks Among Us
The Creature Walks Among Us
Jed Grant
The Rare Breed
The Rare Breed
Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza?
Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza?
Gregg Hunter, The Hurricane Kid
Magnificent Obsession
Magnificent Obsession
Tom Masterson
The Raiders
The Raiders
Marty Smith (as Palmer Lee)
To Hell and Back
To Hell and Back
Lt Manning
Francis Goes to West Point
Francis Goes to West Point
William Norton (as Palmer Lee)