Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 08/01/1941
  • ŚMIERĆ 04/10/1989
  • Kraj Wielka Brytania
  • POKAZY 3
  • FILMY 9

Graham Chapman

Graham Chapman to 48-letni aktor ( 8 janvier 1941 - 4 octobre 1989). Graham Chapman wystąpił w 3 seria i 9 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli The Colonel / Self (uncredited) w serialu Saturday Night Live. W kinie, jako King Arthur / Voice of God / Middle Head / Hiccoughing Guard w filmie fabularnym Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Graham Chapman

Pokazy (3)

Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
The Colonel / Self (uncredited)
Latający cyrk Monty Pythona
Latający cyrk Monty Pythona
Monty Python: Almost The Truth (The Lawyer's Cut)
Monty Python: Almost The Truth (The Lawyer's…
Self (archive footage)

Filmy (9)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
King Arthur / Voice of God / Middle Head / Hiccoughing Guard
Life of Brian
Life of Brian
Wise Man #2 / Brian Cohen / Biggus Dickus
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Various Roles
And Now for Something Completely Different
And Now for Something Completely Different
Brother / Policeman / Defence attorney / British pedestrian / Mr
Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus
Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus
Various Roles
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
Various Roles
The Secret Life of Brian
The Secret Life of Brian
Self / Brian (archive footage) (uncredited)
Captain Yellowbeard
A Liar's Autobiography: The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman
A Liar's Autobiography: The Untrue Story of…
Self (voice)

Scenariusz (13)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Life of Brian
Life of Brian
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Latający cyrk Monty Pythona
Latający cyrk Monty Pythona
(45 epizody)
And Now for Something Completely Different
And Now for Something Completely Different
Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus
Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus
Comedy Playhouse
Comedy Playhouse
(1 epizod)
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
Monty Python Live (Mostly)
Monty Python Live (Mostly)
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
At Last the 1948 Show
At Last the 1948 Show
(2 epizody)