Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 19/11/1966
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 8
  • FILMY 16

Wolfgang Bodison

Wolfgang Bodison to 58-letni aktor (19 novembre 1966). Wolfgang Bodison wystąpił w 8 seria i 16 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Witch Doctor w serialu Czarodziejki. W kinie, jako Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson w filmie fabularnym A Few Good Men.

Wolfgang Bodison

Pokazy (8)

Witch Doctor
Agenci NCIS
Agenci NCIS
Park Inspector Edward Killian
Agenci T.A.R.C.Z.Y.
Agenci T.A.R.C.Z.Y.
Edwin Abbott
Doug Patton
Ostry dyżur
Ostry dyżur
Al Boulet
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
Rodney Pruitt
Highlander: The Series
Highlander: The Series
Andrew Cord
Napisała: Morderstwo
Napisała: Morderstwo
John Andrew Bondy

Filmy (16)

A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men
Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson
Akeelah and the Bee
Akeelah and the Bee
Akeelah's Father
American Skin
American Skin
Captain Eugene Morris
Cyber Case
Cyber Case
Detective Phillips
Detective Breer
Most Wanted
Most Wanted
Capt. Steve Braddock
The Appearing
The Appearing
Father Callahan
Joe Somebody
Joe Somebody
Cade Raymond
Eve of Abduction
Eve of Abduction
Detective Harper
Little Big League
Little Big League
Spencer Hamilton
Butterfly Caught
Butterfly Caught
Sergeant Barnes
The Expert
The Expert
Dan Mason
Bryan Bontrager
Goodbye America
Goodbye America
Commander Hamilton
Criminal Passion
Criminal Passion
Jordan Monroe