Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 06/03/1917
  • ŚMIERĆ 13/02/1973
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 5
  • FILMY 15

David Bauer

David Bauer to 55-letni aktor ( 6 mars 1917 - 13 février 1973). David Bauer wystąpił w 5 seria i 15 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli The Judge / Number Two w serialu The Prisoner (1967). W kinie, jako M. Slumber w filmie fabularnym Diamonds Are Forever.

David Bauer

Pokazy (5)

The Prisoner (1967)
The Prisoner (1967)
The Judge / Number Two
Burt Northwade / Carlton Rood / Dr. Charles Krayford / Rick Lansing / Vern Balton
The Champions
The Champions
Doctor Glind
The Protectors
The Protectors
Carl Huron
Department S
Department S
Cy Harlan

Filmy (15)

Diamonds Are Forever
Diamonds Are Forever
M. Slumber
Lieutenant General Harry Buford
Dark of the Sun
Dark of the Sun
Endless Night
Endless Night
Uncle Frank
The Cimarron Kid
The Cimarron Kid
Sam Swanson
5 Fingers
5 Fingers
House of Strangers
House of Strangers
Prosecutor (uncredited)
Torture Garden
Torture Garden
Mike Charles (segment 2 "Terror Over Hollywood")
Danger Route
Danger Route
Inspector Clouseau
Inspector Clouseau
Police Chief Geffrion
Sword in the Desert
Sword in the Desert
Tokyo Joe
Tokyo Joe
Salt of the Earth
Salt of the Earth
The Undercover Man
The Undercover Man
Stanley Weinburg
The Double Man
The Double Man
Andrew Miller