Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 05/10/1920
  • ŚMIERĆ 12/09/2005
  • Kraj Wielka Brytania
  • POKAZY 12
  • FILMY 9

Ronald Leigh-Hunt

Ronald Leigh-Hunt to 84-letni aktor ( 5 octobre 1920 - 12 septembre 2005). Ronald Leigh-Hunt wystąpił w 12 seria i 9 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Commander Stevenson / Radnor w serialu Doctor Who. W kinie, jako David Townsend w filmie fabularnym Le Mans.

Ronald Leigh-Hunt

Pokazy (12)

Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Commander Stevenson / Radnor
Remington Steele
Remington Steele
Sterling Fitch
Herbert Wexall / John Ramsey / Mark Deverest
Blake's 7
Blake's 7
C.A. One
Father Benedict
Danger Man
Danger Man
Commander Ford
Thriller (1973)
Thriller (1973)
Giles Turner
Department S
Department S
Peregrine Haslet-Wood
Major Lampson
The Human Jungle
The Human Jungle
George Hunter
The Professionals
The Professionals
Doctor Binney
Citizen Smith
Citizen Smith
Mr Van Botha

Filmy (9)

Le Mans
Le Mans
David Townsend
The Message
The Message
Héraclius - Byzantine Emperor
Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death
Doctor Who: The Seeds of Death
Commander Radnor
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Lionel Johnson
The Lie
The Lie
Frederick St. John
The Third Secret
The Third Secret
Police Officer
The Liquidator
The Liquidator
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen
Doctor Who: Revenge of the Cybermen
Commander Stevenson