Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 20/06/1921
  • ŚMIERĆ 14/02/2015
  • Kraj Francja
  • POKAZY 8
  • FILMY 25

Louis Jourdan

Louis Jourdan to 93-letni aktor (20 juin 1921 - 14 février 2015). Louis Jourdan wystąpił w 8 seria i 25 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Paul Gerard w serialu Columbo. W kinie, jako Kamal Khan w filmie fabularnym Octopussy.

Louis Jourdan

Pokazy (8)

Paul Gerard
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo
Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo
The Academy Awards
The Academy Awards
Aniołki Charliego
Aniołki Charliego
Dr. Paul Redmont
The F.B.I.
The F.B.I.
Andre Vesalian / Col. Lorenz Tabor / Henri Dulac
The Name of the Game
The Name of the Game
Mario Lompardi
General Electric Theater
General Electric Theater
Playhouse 90
Playhouse 90

Filmy (25)

Kamal Khan
Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing
Dr. Anton Arcane
James Bond in India
James Bond in India
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Edmond Dantès
Mathias Sandorf
Mathias Sandorf
Le comte Mathias Sandorf
Premier rendez-vous
Premier rendez-vous
The Swan
The Swan
Dr. Nicholas Agi
Gaston Lachaille
The Return of Swamp Thing
The Return of Swamp Thing
Dr. Anton Arcane
The Count of Monte-Cristo
The Count of Monte-Cristo
Madame Bovary
Madame Bovary
Rodolphe Boulanger
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Stefan Brand
La Belle Aventure
La Belle Aventure
André d'Éguzon
Plus ça va, moins ça va
Plus ça va, moins ça va
Paul Tango
Anne of the Indies
Anne of the Indies
Captaine Pierre François LaRochelle
Made in Paris
Made in Paris
Marc Fontaine
The Paradine Case
The Paradine Case
Andre Latour
Cardinal Acquaviva
Count Dracula
Count Dracula
Count Dracula
Félicie Nanteuil
Félicie Nanteuil
Robert de Ligny
Silver Bears
Silver Bears
Prince di Siracusa
The V.I.P.s
The V.I.P.s
Marc Champselle
Grand Larceny
Grand Larceny
Charles Grand
Three Coins in the Fountain
Three Coins in the Fountain
Prince Dino di Cessi
Les Sultans
Les Sultans