Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 26/09/1927
  • ŚMIERĆ 09/09/1994
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 15
  • FILMY 18

Patrick O'Neal

Patrick O'Neal to 66-letni aktor (26 septembre 1927 - 9 septembre 1994). Patrick O'Neal wystąpił w 15 seria i 18 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Elliot Markham / Frank Flanagan w serialu Columbo. W kinie, jako Captain Adams w filmie fabularnym Under Siege.

Patrick O'Neal

Pokazy (15)

Elliot Markham / Frank Flanagan
Napisała: Morderstwo
Napisała: Morderstwo
Cy Parrish
The Outer Limits
The Outer Limits
Jonathan Meridith
Thriller (1973)
Thriller (1973)
Michael Lane
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour
George Maxwell
Barnaby Jones
Barnaby Jones
Charles Manly Wheeling / Coleman Reeves
The Defenders
The Defenders
George Wheaton / Jackson Dark / Sammy Slater
The F.B.I.
The F.B.I.
Howard Raymond / Victor Allen
Tales of the Unexpected
Tales of the Unexpected
Route 66
Route 66
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Norman Cass
Dr. Kildare
Dr. Kildare
Dr. Harvey Robert Jones
One Step Beyond
One Step Beyond
Mitchell Campion
The Nurses
The Nurses
Tom Farrell
Emerald Point N.A.S.
Emerald Point N.A.S.
Harlan Adams

Filmy (18)

Under Siege
Under Siege
Captain Adams
The Way We Were
The Way We Were
George Bissinger
The Stepford Wives
The Stepford Wives
Dale Coba
The Kremlin Letter
The Kremlin Letter
Charles Rone
El Condor
El Condor
New York Stories
New York Stories
Phillip Fowler
Alvarez Kelly
Alvarez Kelly
Maj. Albert Stedman
Alice's Father
The Stuff
The Stuff
Q & A
Q & A
Kevin Quinn
Assignment to Kill
Assignment to Kill
Richard Cutting
For the Boys
For the Boys
King Rat
King Rat
From the Terrace
From the Terrace
Dr. Jim Roper
In Harm's Way
In Harm's Way
Commander Neal Owynn
Castle Keep
Castle Keep
Capt. Lionel Beckman
A Fine Madness
A Fine Madness
Dr. Oliver West
The Black Shield of Falworth
The Black Shield of Falworth
Walter Blunt