Ładowanie w toku
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 17
  • FILMY 7

Jake Green

Jake Green wystąpił w 17 seria i 7 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Butane (voice) w serialu Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa. W kinie, jako Sid (voice) w filmie fabularnym The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild.

Jake Green

Pokazy (17)

Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa
Spider-Man: Przyjazny pająk z sąsiedztwa
Butane (voice)
Officer Kelly
Pete Gibson
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Nick Johnson
Snowfall (2017)
Snowfall (2017)
User #2
Agenci T.A.R.C.Z.Y.
Agenci T.A.R.C.Z.Y.
Terrified Driver
LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy
LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy
Greedo (voice)
The Owl House
The Owl House
Additional Voices (voice) / Mr. Tuxedo (voice)
Moje przygody z Supermanem
Moje przygody z Supermanem
Dr. Ivo (voice) / Dr. Ivo / Commanding Officer / Teen Boy (voice) / Dr. Ivo / Old Rich Man (voice) / Dr. Ivo / Soldier (voice)
Dzieciak rządzi: Znowu w grze
Dzieciak rządzi: Znowu w grze
Bootsy Calico (voice)
Kipo i Dziwozwierze
Kipo i Dziwozwierze
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Tey (voice)
Antique Appraiser / Kelp Warrior (voice) / Big Betta / Alpha Betta (voice) / Glen Chompers (voice) / Mr. Okay (voice) / N.H.A.S.T.E. Bot (voice) / Postmaster (voice) / Rianne's Dad (voice) / Shorely (voice)
Mr. Corman
Mr. Corman
Max & The Midknights
Max & The Midknights
Guard Bean (voice) / Guard Bean / Executioner (voice)
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Roy / Narrator (voice)

Filmy (7)

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild
Sid (voice)
LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
Poe Dameron / Greedo / Snowtrooper (voice)
LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
Poe Dameron / Motti (voice)
LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation
Poe Dameron (voice) / Resort Guest #2 (voice)
The Boss Baby: Get That Baby!
The Boss Baby: Get That Baby!
Bootsy Calico (voice)
LEGO DC Batman: Family Matters
LEGO DC Batman: Family Matters
Fred (voice)
Bottle Cap
Bottle Cap
Crab (voice)