Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 22/03/1933
  • ŚMIERĆ 02/12/2019
  • Kraj Kanada
  • POKAZY 10
  • FILMY 5

Richard Easton

Richard Easton to 86-letni aktor (22 mars 1933 - 2 décembre 2019). Richard Easton wystąpił w 10 seria i 5 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Richard Sutton w serialu Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. W kinie, jako Mr. Givings w filmie fabularnym Revolutionary Road.

Richard Easton

Pokazy (10)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Richard Sutton
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Captain Stapley
Mel White
Chuck Powers
L.A. Law
L.A. Law
Simon Bennett
Judge Travis R. Donnelly
The Protectors
The Protectors
Dr. Lawrence Savage
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Ernest Woolley
American Experience
American Experience
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin

Filmy (5)

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road
Mr. Givings
Finding Forrester
Finding Forrester
Prof. Matthews
Dead Again
Dead Again
Father Timothy
The Key to Reserva
The Key to Reserva
Mr. Carroll
Doctor Who: Time-Flight
Doctor Who: Time-Flight
Captain Stapley