Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 23/03/1921
  • ŚMIERĆ 16/10/2021
  • Kraj Wielka Brytania
  • POKAZY 15
  • FILMY 7

Geoffrey Chater

Geoffrey Chater to 100-letni aktor (23 mars 1921 - 16 octobre 2021). Geoffrey Chater wystąpił w 15 seria i 7 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Brother Robert w serialu Morderstwa w Midsomer. W kinie, jako Dr. Broughton w filmie fabularnym Barry Lyndon.

Geoffrey Chater

Pokazy (15)

Morderstwa w Midsomer
Morderstwa w Midsomer
Brother Robert
The Avengers
The Avengers
Jarvis / Seaton
Carl Howard
The Champions
The Champions
Brideshead Revisited
Brideshead Revisited
Thriller (1973)
Thriller (1973)
Graham / Sir Peter Hastings
Department S
Department S
The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Master David of Lincoln
Tales of the Unexpected
Tales of the Unexpected
James Hamilton / The Magistrate
Pie in the Sky
Pie in the Sky
Dr. Lonsdale
The House of Eliott
The House of Eliott
Mr Wilkinson
Heartbeat (1992)
Heartbeat (1992)
Colonel Hal Clifford / Sir Henry Bing
Screen Two
Screen Two
Mr. Allen
Play for Today
Play for Today
Mr. Calder / Philip Hartley
The Detectives
The Detectives
Sutton Frobisher

Filmy (7)

Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon
Dr. Broughton
The Day the Earth Caught Fire
The Day the Earth Caught Fire
Pat Holroyd (uncredited)
10 Rillington Place
10 Rillington Place
Christmas Humphreys
Endless Night
Endless Night
Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Mr Allen
O Lucky Man!
O Lucky Man!