Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 17/10/1973
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 16
  • FILMY 12

Rick D. Wasserman

Rick D. Wasserman to 51-letni aktor (17 octobre 1973). Rick D. Wasserman wystąpił w 16 seria i 12 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Vince w serialu Doktor House. W kinie, jako Edward Blake / Comedian / Male Citizen #1 / Photographer #2 (voi w filmie fabularnym Watchmen: Chapter I.

Rick D. Wasserman

Pokazy (16)

Doktor House
Doktor House
Prisoner Godspeed (voice)
24 godziny
24 godziny
Alex Hewitt
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
Walter Lisco
Scooby Doo i Brygada Detektywów
Scooby Doo i Brygada Detektywów
Lord Infernicus / Boo (voice)
Carl (Security Patrol)
Law & Order
Law & Order
David Caplan
Bez śladu
Bez śladu
Michael Beecher
Tożsamość szpiega
Tożsamość szpiega
Wes Foster
Powrót do życia
Powrót do życia
Tyler Sims
Podkomisarz Brenda Johnson
Podkomisarz Brenda Johnson
Larry Fine
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Carl 'Crusher' Creel / Absorbing Man (voice) / Thor (voice)
Marvel Avengers: Zjednoczeni
Marvel Avengers: Zjednoczeni
Fixer (voice) / Techno (voice)
Judging Amy
Judging Amy
Atty. Charlie Herzig
The District
The District
Ethan Brody
Big, Bigger, Biggest
Big, Bigger, Biggest

Filmy (12)

Watchmen: Chapter I
Watchmen: Chapter I
Edward Blake / Comedian / Male Citizen #1 / Photographer #2 (voi
Watchmen: Chapter II
Watchmen: Chapter II
Edward Blake / Comedian (voice)
Werewolf by Night
Werewolf by Night
Narrator (voice)
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: The Killing Joke
Maroni (voice)
Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Weather Wizard (voice)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power
Green Lantern: Beware My Power
Sinestro (voice)
Planet Hulk
Planet Hulk
Hulk (voice)
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two
Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two
Bodyguard (voice)
Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie
Constantine: City of Demons - The Movie
Mictlantecuhtli (voice)
Norm of the North
Norm of the North
Henchman #3 (voice)
Ten 'til Noon
Ten 'til Noon
Black Panther
Black Panther
Igor Stancheck