Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 17/09/1908
  • ŚMIERĆ 23/05/1993
  • Kraj Wielka Brytania
  • POKAŻ 1
  • FILMY 3

Bernard Sell

Bernard Sell to 84-letni aktor (17 septembre 1908 - 23 mai 1993). Bernard Sell wystąpił w 1 seria i 3 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Bar Patron / Café Patron (uncredited) / Croupier w serialu The Twilight Zone. W kinie, jako Casino Patron (uncredited) w filmie fabularnym To Catch a Thief.

Bernard Sell


The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone
Bar Patron / Café Patron (uncredited) / Croupier

Filmy (3)

To Catch a Thief
To Catch a Thief
Casino Patron (uncredited)
The Big Steal
The Big Steal
Departing Passenger (uncredited)
Babes in Toyland
Babes in Toyland
Villager (uncredited)