Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 08/05/1883
  • ŚMIERĆ 16/06/1944
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • FILMY 7

Guy Usher

Guy Usher to 61-letni aktor ( 8 mai 1883 - 16 juin 1944). Guy Usher wystąpił w brak serii i 7 movies. W kinie, jako Warden w filmie fabularnym Prison Break.

Guy Usher

Filmy (7)

Prison Break
Prison Break
The Devil Bat
The Devil Bat
Henry Morton
Big Brown Eyes
Big Brown Eyes
Judge Davis (Uncredited)
Marked Woman
Marked Woman
Detective Ferguson (uncredited)
Mystery of the Wax Museum
Mystery of the Wax Museum
Detective (Uncredited)
The Great Train Robbery
The Great Train Robbery
The President's Mystery
The President's Mystery
Police Lieutenant