Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 25/09/1896
  • ŚMIERĆ 23/09/1978
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 4
  • FILMY 20

Jay Adler

Jay Adler to 81-letni aktor (25 septembre 1896 - 23 septembre 1978). Jay Adler wystąpił w 4 seria i 20 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Gibbons / Tramp w serialu The Twilight Zone. W kinie, jako Leo the Loanshark w filmie fabularnym The Killing.

Jay Adler

Pokazy (4)

The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone
Gibbons / Tramp
The Untouchables
The Untouchables
Sammy Archer
The Fugitive
The Fugitive
Arthur Tibbetts

Filmy (20)

The Killing
The Killing
Leo the Loanshark
The Family Jewels
The Family Jewels
Sweet Smell of Success
Sweet Smell of Success
Manny Davis (uncredited)
Man with the Gun
Man with the Gun
Cal (uncredited)
Joseph Carter
Curse of the Undead
Curse of the Undead
Saddle the Wind
Saddle the Wind
Hank (uncredited)
The Bad and the Beautiful
The Bad and the Beautiful
Mr. Z (uncredited)
The Story on Page One
The Story on Page One
Lauber (uncredited)
The Big Combo
The Big Combo
Detective Sam Hill
The Brothers Karamazov
The Brothers Karamazov
The Turning Point
The Turning Point
Sammy Lester (uncredited)
Vice Squad
Vice Squad
Frankie Pierce
The Juggler
The Juggler
Papa Sander - Susy's Father (uncredited)
The Underworld Story
The Underworld Story
Munsey's Assistant (uncredited)
The Saint in New York
The Saint in New York
Eddie (Uncredited)
99 River Street
99 River Street
Grave of the Vampire
Grave of the Vampire
Who's Got the Action?
Who's Got the Action?
Scandal Sheet
Scandal Sheet
Bailey (uncredited)