Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 04/05/1889
  • ŚMIERĆ 28/12/1968
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • FILMY 25

Harry Woods

Harry Woods to 79-letni aktor ( 4 mai 1889 - 28 décembre 1968). Harry Woods wystąpił w brak serii i 25 movies. W kinie, jako Karl Rynders (uncredited) w filmie fabularnym She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.

Harry Woods

Filmy (25)

She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Karl Rynders (uncredited)
Colorado Territory
Colorado Territory
The Sheepman
The Sheepman
Rancher (uncredited)
Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild
Soapy Smith (uncredited)
Monkey Business
Monkey Business
Alky Briggs
Union Pacific
Union Pacific
Al Brett
Gallant Defender
Gallant Defender
Barr Munro
Ben Jackson
Days of Jesse James
Days of Jesse James
Captain Worthington
Lew Stoner
The Plainsman
The Plainsman
Quartermaster Sergeant
Blue Montana Skies
Blue Montana Skies
Jim Hendricks
South of St. Louis
South of St. Louis
Trail Street
Trail Street
Haunted Gold
Haunted Gold
Joe Ryan
Western Heritage
Western Heritage
Arnold posing as Powell
Joe Powell
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
Kurt (uncredited)
Tall in the Saddle
Tall in the Saddle
George Clews
Star of Bethlehem
Star of Bethlehem
Pharisee Scribe
Belle of the Nineties
Belle of the Nineties
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
The Long Voyage Home
The Long Voyage Home
Amindra First Mate
A Southern Yankee
A Southern Yankee
Dentist (uncredited)
Beau Geste
Beau Geste