Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 15/03/1872
  • ŚMIERĆ 03/05/1947
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • FILMY 10

Harry Holman

Harry Holman to 75-letni aktor (15 mars 1872 - 3 mai 1947). Harry Holman wystąpił w brak serii i 10 movies. W kinie, jako Loan-Seeker (uncredited) w filmie fabularnym American Madness.

Harry Holman

Filmy (10)

American Madness
American Madness
Loan-Seeker (uncredited)
Badman's Territory
Badman's Territory
Meet John Doe
Meet John Doe
Mayor Hawkins
Shadows on the Sage
Shadows on the Sage
State Fair
State Fair
Professor Tyler Cramp (Uncredited)
Doctor X
Doctor X
Mike, Waterfront Policeman
Captive Wild Woman
Captive Wild Woman
Dock Ticket Office Clerk
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Victor Albert Adolph Jules Hugo Louis Dupont (uncredited)
When Tomorrow Comes
When Tomorrow Comes
Magic Town
Magic Town