Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 23/07/1890
  • ŚMIERĆ 24/02/1976
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 2
  • FILMY 9

Julian Rivero

Julian Rivero to 85-letni aktor (23 juillet 1890 - 24 février 1976). Julian Rivero wystąpił w 2 seria i 9 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Padre Juan w serialu Cheyenne. W kinie, jako Barber (uncredited) w filmie fabularnym The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Julian Rivero

Pokazy (2)

Padre Juan
The Fugitive
The Fugitive
Old man at party

Filmy (9)

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Barber (uncredited)
The Unknown
The Unknown
Man in Theatre Audience (uncredited)
Billy The Kid's Fighting Pals
Billy The Kid's Fighting Pals
The Night Rider
The Night Rider
Manuel Alonzo Valdez
The Red Pony
The Red Pony
The Outlaw
The Outlaw
Pablo (uncredited)
Seven Chances
Seven Chances
Barber (uncredited)
Man in Theatre Audience (uncredited)
One Way Street
One Way Street
Mexican Villager with Horse (uncredited)