Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 10/01/1958
  • Kraj Kanada
  • POKAZY 5
  • FILMY 10

Terrence Scammell

Terrence Scammell to 67-letni aktor (10 janvier 1958). Terrence Scammell wystąpił w 5 seria i 10 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Director w serialu Napisała: Morderstwo. W kinie, jako Merante (voice) w filmie fabularnym Ballerina.

Terrence Scammell

Pokazy (5)

Napisała: Morderstwo
Napisała: Morderstwo
Mr. Powers (voice) / Mr. Powers (voice) (uncredited)
Tripping the Rift
Tripping the Rift
Darph Bobo (voice)
The Country Mouse & the City Mouse Adventures
The Country Mouse & the City Mouse Adventures
Alexander (voice)
Animal Crackers
Animal Crackers
Eugene (voice)

Filmy (10)

Merante (voice)
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Heavy Metal 2000
Heavy Metal 2000
Troll: The Tale of a Tail
Troll: The Tale of a Tail
Grimmer (voice)
For Better or for Worse: The Babe Magnet
For Better or for Worse: The Babe Magnet
John Patterson (voice)
For Better Or For Worse: The Good For Nothing
For Better Or For Worse: The Good For Nothing
John Patterson
For Better or for Worse: A Valentine from the Heart
For Better or for Worse: A Valentine from…
John Patterson (voice)
For Better or for Worse: The Last Camping Trip
For Better or for Worse: The Last Camping…
John Patterson (voice)
The Yummy Gummy Search for Santa
The Yummy Gummy Search for Santa
Narrator/Rudy (voice)
For Better or for Worse: A Storm in April
For Better or for Worse: A Storm in April
John Patterson (voice)