Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 01/04/1968
  • Kraj Korea Południowa
  • POKAZY 6
  • FILM 1

Park Ki-ryung

Park Ki-ryung to 56-letni aktor ( 1 avril 1968). Park Ki-ryung wystąpił w 6 seria i 1 film. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli NIS Executive w serialu Crash Landing on You. W kinie, jako Supermarket Employee w filmie fabularnym 1947 보스톤.

Park Ki-ryung

Pokazy (6)

Crash Landing on You
Crash Landing on You
NIS Executive
The Uncanny Counter
The Uncanny Counter
Bully Father
Bad and Crazy
Bad and Crazy
Kang Sung Dae
Mouse (2021)
Mouse (2021)
OBN News Chief
Dr. Romantic
Dr. Romantic
[Yoon Wan's associate]
When the Camelia Blooms
When the Camelia Blooms
Assemblyman with Gyu Tae


1947 보스톤
1947 보스톤
Supermarket Employee