Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 13/03/1971
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 24
  • FILMY 8

Adina Porter

Adina Porter jest 54-letnią aktorką (13 mars 1971). Adina Porter wystąpił w 24 seria i 8 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Leticia Barris w serialu Prison Break: Skazany na śmierć. W kinie, jako Police NYPD w filmie fabularnym The Peacemaker.

Adina Porter

Pokazy (24)

Prison Break: Skazany na śmierć
Prison Break: Skazany na śmierć
Leticia Barris
Outer Banks
Outer Banks
Sheriff Peterkin
Dr. Ramsey
Doktor House
Doktor House
The 100
The 100
American Horror Story
American Horror Story
Beverly Hope / Chief Burleson / Chief Burleson (Red Tide) / Dinah Stevens / Lee Harris / Sally Freeman
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Janelle Odami
The Morning Show
The Morning Show
Sarah Gravele
G.R. Leader
Mrs. Delaney
Newsroom (2012)
Newsroom (2012)
Kendra James
Private Practice
Private Practice
Stacy Hatcher
Czysta Krew
Czysta Krew
Lettie Mae Thornton
Ostry dyżur
Ostry dyżur
Mrs. Hopkins
Dowody zbrodni
Dowody zbrodni
Laticia Myers
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Nowego Jorku
Shannon Goodall
Crime Scene Investigation
Crime Scene Investigation
Denise Devine
Bez śladu
Bez śladu
Harriet Lewis
Law & Order
Law & Order
Mary Byman / Sheryl Decker / Woman Neighbor
The Finder
The Finder
Ms. Estelle
The Changeling
The Changeling
Lillian / Lillian Kagwa
Paper Girls
Paper Girls
Crossing Jordan
Crossing Jordan
Vicki Moran
The District
The District
Ella's Assistant

Filmy (8)

The Peacemaker
The Peacemaker
Police NYPD
Body Shots
Body Shots
Detective Thompson
The Last Word
The Last Word
Bree Wilson
Miss Virginia
Miss Virginia
Annette Johnson
The Salon
The Salon
Percy's Wife
The Fluffer
The Fluffer
Sitting in Bars with Cake
Sitting in Bars with Cake
Think of Me
Think of Me