Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 25/06/1970
  • Kraj Japonia
  • POKAZY 6
  • FILMY 3


各務立基 to 54-letni aktor (25 juin 1970). 各務立基 wystąpił w 6 seria i 3 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Army Major General (voice) / Eckhart Munter (voice) / Male Guest (voice) / Roland (voice) w serialu Violet Evergarden. W kinie, jako Roland (voice) w filmie fabularnym ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 - 永遠と自動手記人形 -.


Pokazy (6)

Violet Evergarden
Violet Evergarden
Army Major General (voice) / Eckhart Munter (voice) / Male Guest (voice) / Roland (voice)
Tomodachi Game
Tomodachi Game
Yoshida (voice)
Goblin Slayer
Goblin Slayer
Ogre (voice)
Domestic Girlfriend
Domestic Girlfriend
Male teacher A (voice)
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
Ashigumo (voice) / Homusubi Specter (voice) / Takeribi (voice)
A Certain Scientific Railgun
A Certain Scientific Railgun
Researcher (voice)

Filmy (3)