Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 28/02/1931
  • ŚMIERĆ 29/05/2021
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 13
  • FILMY 18

Gavin MacLeod

Gavin MacLeod to 90-letni aktor (28 février 1931 - 29 mai 2021). Gavin MacLeod wystąpił w 13 seria i 18 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Cardinal Frances Abgott w serialu Oz. W kinie, jako Moriarty (tank crewman) w filmie fabularnym Kelly's Heroes.

Gavin MacLeod

Pokazy (13)

Cardinal Frances Abgott
Różowe lata 70-te
Różowe lata 70-te
The Suite Life on Deck
The Suite Life on Deck
Raymond Harrick
Napisała: Morderstwo
Napisała: Morderstwo
Art Sommers
Aniołki Charliego
Aniołki Charliego
Captain Merrill Stubing
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
Mr. Ellsworth
The Love Boat
The Love Boat
Merril Stubing
Hogan's Heroes
Hogan's Heroes
General Metzger / Major Kiegel / Major Zolle
Diabli nadali
Diabli nadali
Uncle Stu
Pound Puppies (2010)
Pound Puppies (2010)
Captain Gumble (voice)
The Untouchables
The Untouchables
Artie McLeod / Three-Fingered Jack White / Whitey Metz
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Murray Slaughter

Filmy (18)

Kelly's Heroes
Kelly's Heroes
Moriarty (tank crewman)
The Party
The Party
C. S. Divot
The Sand Pebbles
The Sand Pebbles
War Hunt
War Hunt
Pvt. Crotty
A Man Called Gannon
A Man Called Gannon
Padua - Horn's Assistant
Young and Wild
Young and Wild
Mac (uncredited)
Operation Petticoat
Operation Petticoat
Yeoman Ernest Hunkle
McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force
McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force
Seaman Joseph Haines
The Comic
The Comic
1st Director
I Want to Live!
I Want to Live!
Police Lt.
McHale's Navy
McHale's Navy
Seaman Joseph 'Happy' Hanes
Murder Can Hurt You!
Murder Can Hurt You!
Lt. Nojack
Pat Boone and Family: A Christmas Special
Pat Boone and Family: A Christmas Special
The Sword of Ali Baba
The Sword of Ali Baba
Hulagu Khan
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
Jonathan Sperry
Time Changer
Time Changer
Norris Anderson