Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 08/04/1928
  • ŚMIERĆ 15/05/1995
  • Kraj Wielka Brytania
  • POKAZY 4
  • FILMY 12

Eric Porter

Eric Porter to 67-letni aktor ( 8 avril 1928 - 15 mai 1995). Eric Porter wystąpił w 4 seria i 12 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Professor Moriarty w serialu Przygody Sherlocka Holmesa. W kinie, jako Colonel Rodin w filmie fabularnym The Day of the Jackal.

Eric Porter

Pokazy (4)

Przygody Sherlocka Holmesa
Przygody Sherlocka Holmesa
Professor Moriarty
The Forsyte Saga
The Forsyte Saga
Soames Forsyte
Play for Today
Play for Today
Stanley Wilkinson
The Jewel in the Crown
The Jewel in the Crown
Dimitri Bronowsky

Filmy (12)

The Day of the Jackal
The Day of the Jackal
Colonel Rodin
The Fall of the Roman Empire
The Fall of the Roman Empire
The Heroes of Telemark
The Heroes of Telemark
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Mr. Havisham
Antony and Cleopatra
Antony and Cleopatra
Hitler: The Last Ten Days
Hitler: The Last Ten Days
Generalfeldmarschall Robert Ritter von Greim
Nicholas and Alexandra
Nicholas and Alexandra
Hands of the Ripper
Hands of the Ripper
Dr. John Pritchard
The Shetland Experience
The Shetland Experience
Narrator (voice)
The Thirty Nine Steps
The Thirty Nine Steps
Chief Superintendent Lomas