Ładowanie w toku
  • POKAŻ 1
  • FILMY 11

Jimmy Keogh

Jimmy Keogh wystąpił w 1 seria i 11 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Father Fintan Fay w serialu Father Ted. W kinie, jako Priest w filmie fabularnym Far and Away.

Jimmy Keogh


Father Ted
Father Ted
Father Fintan Fay

Filmy (11)

Far and Away
Far and Away
The Nephew
The Nephew
Crony 2
St. Ives
St. Ives
Hear My Song
Hear My Song
Jo's Boys 1
A Very Unlucky Leprechaun
A Very Unlucky Leprechaun
Mr. Mulligan
Some Mother's Son
Some Mother's Son
Jimmy Higgins
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
Trojan Eddie
Trojan Eddie
The Playboys
The Playboys
Waking Ned
Waking Ned
Ned Devine
Fools of Fortune
Fools of Fortune