Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 26/02/1914
  • ŚMIERĆ 03/05/1986
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 10
  • FILMY 14

Robert Alda

Robert Alda to 72-letni aktor (26 février 1914 - 3 mai 1986). Robert Alda wystąpił w 10 seria i 14 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Dr. Anthony B. Borelli w serialu MASH. W kinie, jako Allen Loomis w filmie fabularnym Imitation of Life.

Robert Alda

Pokazy (10)

Dr. Anthony B. Borelli
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
Jason Laird
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
Alfred Hitchcock Przedstawia
Alfred Hitchcock Przedstawia
Ben Nelson
The Love Boat
The Love Boat
Frank Leonardt
Adrian Marshall
The Lucy Show
The Lucy Show
John Brooks III
The Rockford Files
The Rockford Files
Cy Margulies
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Hallmark Hall Of Fame
Beyond Westworld
Beyond Westworld
Governor Eric Harper

Filmy (14)

Imitation of Life
Imitation of Life
Allen Loomis
Cloak and Dagger
Cloak and Dagger
Spider-Man Strikes Back
Spider-Man Strikes Back
Mr. White
Le Serpent
Le Serpent
Polygraph interrogator
La donna più bella del mondo
La donna più bella del mondo
Maestro Doria
The Beast with Five Fingers
The Beast with Five Fingers
Bruce Conrad [Conrad Ryler in on-screen end credits]
Tarzan and the Slave Girl
Tarzan and the Slave Girl
Lucy Moves to NBC
Lucy Moves to NBC
Mr. Luder
The House of Exorcism
The House of Exorcism
Father Michael
I Will, I Will...For Now
I Will, I Will...For Now
Dr. Magnus
Nora Prentiss
Nora Prentiss
Phil Dinardo
April Showers
April Showers
Billy Shay
Rhapsody in Blue
Rhapsody in Blue
George Gershwin
Doses of Horror
Doses of Horror
Father Michael ("A Dose of Temptation" segment) (archive footage