Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 25/05/1917
  • ŚMIERĆ 15/06/1965
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • POKAZY 4
  • FILMY 15

Steve Cochran

Steve Cochran to 48-letni aktor (25 mai 1917 - 15 juin 1965). Steve Cochran wystąpił w 4 seria i 15 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Fred Renard w serialu The Twilight Zone. W kinie, jako Cliff Scully w filmie fabularnym The Best Years of Our Lives.

Steve Cochran

Pokazy (4)

The Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone
Fred Renard
The Virginian
The Virginian
Jamie Dobbs
General Electric Theater
General Electric Theater
Prawo Burke'a
Prawo Burke'a
Fletcher Seamway / Phil Ross / St. John Carlisle

Filmy (15)

The Best Years of Our Lives
The Best Years of Our Lives
Cliff Scully
White Heat
White Heat
'Big Ed' Somers
Raton Pass
Raton Pass
Cy Van Cleave
The Deadly Companions
The Deadly Companions
Billy Keplinger
The Chase
The Chase
Eddie Roman
The Damned Don't Cry
The Damned Don't Cry
Nick Prenta
Steve Hunt
H.R. Manley
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Bill Clark / Mike Lewis
Private Hell 36
Private Hell 36
Police Sgt. Cal Bruner
A Song Is Born
A Song Is Born
Tony Crow
The Weapon
The Weapon
Mark Andrews
Il Grido
Il Grido
Brad Webster
The Tanks Are Coming
The Tanks Are Coming
Francis Aloysius 'Sully' Sullivan