Ładowanie w toku
  • NARODZINY 14/07/1946
  • Kraj Australia
  • POKAZY 7
  • FILMY 2

John Wood

John Wood to 78-letni aktor (14 juillet 1946). John Wood wystąpił w 7 seria i 2 movies. Spektakl do znalezienia w roli Mr. Jones w serialu Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. W kinie, jako Detective Chambers w filmie fabularnym Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism.

John Wood

Pokazy (7)

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Mr. Jones
Murray Farquhar
The Doctor Blake Mysteries
The Doctor Blake Mysteries
Patrick Tyneman
Killing Time
Killing Time
Allan Bond
It's a Date
It's a Date
Who Do You Think You Are? (AU)
Who Do You Think You Are? (AU)
Blue Heelers
Blue Heelers
Sgt. Tom Croydon / Sr. Sgt. Tom Croydon

Filmy (2)

Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism
Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism
Detective Chambers
The Bit Part
The Bit Part
John Bainbridge