The Evil White Ranger clone learns of his rapidly decreasing power. It seems that when Zeltrax created him, it caused a glitch in the Morphing Grid. Two White DinoThunder Rangers can't exist at once, so EWR decides to go out in a blaze of glory, Megazord style, only to lose control of the Dragozord and Stegazord in the process. He goes for one last attempt to change his fate by dueling with Trent. Despite the clone's use of Super Dino Mode, Trent prevails, and the clone is eliminated for good.
Meanwhile, Dr Mercer recieves the Greenleaf Award for developments in the field of Botanical Research, using genetics on plants to benefit mankind. His reluctant alter ego, Mesogog, utlizes Mercer's research for his own goals, creating the Jade Gladiator out of one of those altered plants. The monster repeatedly defeats the Rangers, and sprouts two extra monsters (Deadwood from "The Passion of the Conner" and the new Skortch monster) to assist him. It takes a combination of every DinoThunder Zord to reap what Mesogog sowed.
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