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Musicians on YouTube | BECOMING YOUTUBE | Video 8

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Becoming YouTube merch: http://becomingyoutube.bigcartel.com

A "weekly" "documentary" series about YouTubers, with fantasy elements and sketch comedy and Forever... Forever... Forever...

Written, directed and edited by BENJAMIN COOK (http://youtube.com/ninebrassmonkeys). Twitter: http://twitter.com/benjamin_cook

Thanks to everyone involved! In order of speaking/appearance:
JAKE FOUSHEE (http://youtube.com/MoonwalkHD)
DAN HOWELL (http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire)
PHIL LESTER (http://youtube.com/AmazingPhil)
CHRIS BINGHAM (http://youtube.com/slomozovo)
LUKE CUTFORTH (http://youtube.com/LukeIsNotSexy)
ALEX DAY (http://youtube.com/nerimon)
CHARLIE McDONNELL (http://youtube.com/charlie)
ED BLANN (http://youtube.com/eddplant)
TOM LAW (http://youtube.com/tomlawmusic)
GREG HOLDEN (http://youtube.com/gdholden)
BRIBRY O'REILLY (http://youtube.com/BriBryontour)
JONTI "MR WEEB" PICKING (http://youtube.com/mrweebl)
CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER (http://youtube.com/carrie)
HANK GREEN (http://youtube.com/VlogBrothers)
MYLES DYER (http://youtube.com/Blade376)
LEX CROUCHER (http://youtube.com/tyrannosauruslexxx)
JAMIE CHRISTOPHERSON (http://youtube.com/JamiesFace)
MAWAAN RIZWAN (http://youtube.com/MalumTV)
PAUL KATHRO (http://youtube.com/dfinenormal)
TEOH LANDER-BOYCE (http://youtube.com/mrtinoforever)
DENHOLM TURNER (http://twitter.com/daddythathurts)
EMMA CLARKE (http://emmaclarke.com)
DANNY HOOPER (http://youtube.com/danmann44)
SAM CAPLAT (http://plasmacat.co.uk)
TIM HAUTEKIET (http://youtube.com/TimH)
TOM MILSOM (http://youtube.com/hexachordal)

Camera and Lighting:
SAM CAPLAT, CIARAN O'BRIEN (http://youtube.com/FunnyCatVideos), HAYDEN HILLIER-SMITH (http://youtube.com/HillierSmithStudios), ALEX ODAM (http://youtube.com/TheAlexFrom1994) & ALEX BRINNAND (http://youtube.com/alexthemagix)

SAM CAPLAT, CIARAN O'BRIEN & OLLY NEWPORT (http://youtube.com/OliverNewport)

Sound Editor:

Visual Effects:
MIKE DEAN (http://youtube.com/filmmakermichael) & LUKE CUTFORTH

KEVIN MACLEOD (http://incompetech.com), TOM MILSOM, JOSH WOODWARD (http://www.joshwoodward.com), RICK C (http://youtube.com/5K1TZ2006), WHITE TREES (https://facebook.com/whitetreesband), ALEX DAY (http://youtube.com/nerimon) & OHO (http://facebook.com/ohoband). All tracks used with the kind permission of their respective artists. Kevin MacLeod and Josh Woodward tracks licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Cable Rat King" is from Tom Milsom's upcoming album, Organs, to be released later in 2013.

Track list:
"Movement Proposition" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incompetech), 2010
"The Heretic's Song" -- TOM MILSOM, 2010
"Good to Go" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"Danse Macabre" -- CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS/KEVIN MACLEOD (incompetech), 2008
"Revolution Now" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"Nothing in the Dark" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"Runaway Jack" -- RICK C, 2011
"DiscoveryV6" -- WHITE TREES, 2011
"On the Shore" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incompetech), 2012
"Forever Yours" -- ALEX DAY, 2011
"Forever Yours (Vocal Remix) -- ALEX DAY, 2011
"Fast Talkin" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incompetech), 2009
"Shadows in the Moonlight" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"She's on My Mind" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2005
"Free Electron" -- OHO, 2011
"Forever Yours (Tom Milsom Remix)" -- ALEX DAY/TOM MILSOM, 2011
"Lady Godiva" -- ALEX DAY, 2012
"Cable Rat King" -- TOM MILSOM, 2013

"How to YouTube" video clip used with the kind permission of LUKE CUTFORTH. Full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVTzJMomLN4 "Forever Yours" video clips used with the kind permission of ALEX DAY and CHARLIE McDONNELL. Full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOW2eEz9cYk "Lady Godiva", "Good Morning Sunshine", "She Walks Right Through Me", "Stupid Stupid", "Stamina" and "I've Got What It Takes" video clips used with the kind permission of ALEX DAY. Full videos: http://www.youtube.com/nerimon "Badgers" video clip used with the kind permission of JONTI PICKING. Full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI

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S01E11 - Becoming WOTO
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