Chargement en cours
  • SÉRIES 3
  • FILMS 10

John Wilmot

John Wilmot a tourné dans 3 séries et dans 10 films. Une prestation à retrouver dans le rôle de Father Kelly dans la série American Horror Story. Au cinéma, dans le rôle de Gordon Greene dans le long métrage Get Out.

John Wilmot

Séries (3)

American Horror Story
American Horror Story
Father Kelly
Judge Lovell
On Becoming a God in Central Florida
On Becoming a God in Central Florida
Memorabilia Collector

Films (10)

Get Out
Get Out
Gordon Greene
The Host
The Host
Soul Raines
The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice
The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice
12 Rounds
12 Rounds
Elderly Man
The Last Exorcism
The Last Exorcism
Spindly Man
Medical Examiner
Nora Roberts' Tribute
Nora Roberts' Tribute
Dr. Rice
Murder at the Mardi Gras
Murder at the Mardi Gras
Dr. Denton
Avenging Force
Avenging Force
Gen. Al Wyatt
French Quarter Undercover
French Quarter Undercover
FBI Agent Dave Dutfell