Chargement en cours
  • NAISSANCE 16/04/1889
  • DÉCÈS 25/12/1977
  • Pays Royaume-Uni
  • SÉRIE 1
  • FILMS 89

Charlie Chaplin

Charles Spencer Chaplin, dit Charlie Chaplin, né le 16 avril 1889 probablement à Londres (Royaume-Uni) et mort le 25 décembre 1977 à Corsier-sur-Vevey (Suisse), est un acteur, réalisateur, scénariste, producteur et compositeur britannique.

Devenu une idole du cinéma muet à partir du milieu des années 1910, et plus particulièrement du burlesque, grâce à son personnage de Charlot (désigné simplement comme « the tramp » — le vagabond — dans les versions originales), il acquiert ensuite une notoriété et une reconnaissance plus large pour ses performances d'acteur comme pour ses réalisations. Durant une carrière longue de 65 ans, il joue dans plus de 80 films.

Il joue au cinéma pour la première fois en 1914 dans le film Pour gagner sa vie et travaille avec les sociétés de production Essanay, Mutual et First National. En 1918, il est l'une des personnalités les plus connues au monde.

En 1919, Chaplin cofonde la société United Artists et obtient ainsi le contrôle total sur ses œuvres. Parmi ses premiers longs-métrages figurent Charlot soldat (1918), Le Kid (1921), L'Opinion publique (1923), La Ruée vers l'or (1925) et Le Cirque (1928). Il refuse de passer au cinéma sonore et continue de produire des films muets dans les années 1930, comme Les Lumières de la ville (1931) et Les Temps modernes (1936). Ses œuvres deviennent ensuite plus politiques, avec notamment Le Dictateur (1940), dans lequel il se moque d'Hitler et de Mussolini. Il abandonne son personnage de Charlot dans ses derniers films, dont Monsieur Verdoux (1947), Les Feux de la rampe (1952), Un roi à New York (1957) et La Comtesse de Hong-Kong (1967).

Chaplin écrit, réalise et produit la plupart de ses films, en plus d'y jouer et d'en composer la musique. En 1972, l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences lui a remis un Oscar d'honneur pour sa contribution inestimable à l'industrie cinématographique et plusieurs de ses œuvres sont aujourd'hui considérées comme faisant partie des plus grands films de tous les temps.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA 3.0. Source : Article Charlie Chaplin de Wikipédia en français.

Charlie Chaplin


American Experience
American Experience

Films (89)

The Great Dictator
The Great Dictator
Adenoid Hynkel, Dictator of Tomania / A Jewish Barber
Modern Times
Modern Times
The Tramp (A Factory Worker)
The Kid
The Kid
A Tramp
City Lights
City Lights
A Tramp
The Gold Rush
The Gold Rush
The Lone Prospector
The Circus
The Circus
A Tramp
Gene Kelly mène la danse
Gene Kelly mène la danse
Self (archive footage)
Shoulder Arms
Shoulder Arms
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim / Lefty Lombard
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
The Star Boarder
The Star Boarder
The Star Boarder aka The Tramp (uncredited)
One A.M.
One A.M.
Le bourgeois alcoolisé
FBI : le dossier Chaplin
FBI : le dossier Chaplin
Self (archive footage)
Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle
Winston Churchill : Un géant dans le siècle
Self (archive footage)
Tango Tangles
Tango Tangles
Tipsy Dancer
Mabel's Married Life
Mabel's Married Life
Mabel's Husband
The Adventurer
The Adventurer
The Eel / Commodore Slick
The Knockout
The Knockout
Referee (uncredited)
The Pawnshop
The Pawnshop
Pawnbroker's Assistant
Le Baron et l'Empereur : Japon, la voie de la guerre
Le Baron et l'Empereur : Japon, la voie de…
Self (archive footage)
Laughing Gas
Laughing Gas
Dentist's assistant
Mabel's Strange Predicament
Mabel's Strange Predicament
The Tramp (uncredited)
The Circus
The Circus
A Tramp
Mabel's Busy Day
Mabel's Busy Day
Tipsy Nuisance
A King in New York
A King in New York
King Shahdov
Kid Auto Races at Venice
Kid Auto Races at Venice
The Tramp
His Favorite Pastime
His Favorite Pastime
Drunken Masher
Easy Street
Easy Street
The Derelict
The Champion
The Champion
Twenty Minutes of Love
Twenty Minutes of Love
Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté
Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté
Self (archive footage)
Making a Living
Making a Living
The Swindler (uncredited)
Cruel, Cruel Love
Cruel, Cruel Love
Mr. Dovey
Monsieur Verdoux
Monsieur Verdoux
Henri Verdoux
A Busy Day
A Busy Day
Between Showers
Between Showers
The Tramp, a Second Gallant
The Chaplin Puzzle
The Chaplin Puzzle
Self / The Tramp (archive footage)
Triple Trouble
Triple Trouble
The Janitor
The Rink
The Rink
A Waiter
The Masquerader
The Masquerader
Film actor
Der ewige Jude
Der ewige Jude
Self (1931) (archive footage)
Hitler - Eine Karriere
Hitler - Eine Karriere
Self (archive footage)
The Vagabond
The Vagabond
The Saloon Violinist
The Bank
The Bank
Tillie's Punctured Romance
Tillie's Punctured Romance
The City Guy
A Day's Pleasure
A Day's Pleasure
The Real Charlie Chaplin
The Real Charlie Chaplin
Self (archive footage)
The Floorwalker
The Floorwalker
Impecunious Customer
Her Friend the Bandit
Her Friend the Bandit
Behind the Screen
Behind the Screen
David - Property Man's Assistant
Final Cut: Hölgyeim és uraim
Final Cut: Hölgyeim és uraim
(archive footage)
The Bond
The Bond
The New Janitor
The New Janitor
The Janitor
A Burlesque on Carmen
A Burlesque on Carmen
Darn Hosiery
Farm Handyman
His New Job
His New Job
Film Extra
Show People
Show People
Self (uncredited)
The Immigrant
The Immigrant
Chaplin's Goliath
Chaplin's Goliath
Self (archive footage)
Charlie, Convict 999
A Jitney Elopement
A Jitney Elopement
Suitor, the Fake Count
His New Profession
His New Profession
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Self (archive footage)
The Idle Class
The Idle Class
Tramp / Husband
Izzy A. Wake's assistant
Propaganda : la fabrique du consentement
Propaganda : la fabrique du consentement
Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
Getting Acquainted
Getting Acquainted
Mr. Sniffels
Duels: Chaplin - Keaton, le clochard milliardaire et le funambule déchu
Duels: Chaplin - Keaton, le clochard…
(archive footage)
The Face on the Barroom Floor
The Face on the Barroom Floor
Sports on the Silver Screen
Sports on the Silver Screen
Self (archive footage)
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
Station Porter (uncredited)
His Prehistoric Past
His Prehistoric Past
Sophia Loren, une destinée particulière
Sophia Loren, une destinée particulière
Self (archive footage)
His Trysting Places
His Trysting Places
Clarence, the Husband
How to Make Movies
How to Make Movies
Self (uncredited)
The Count
The Count
Tailor's Apprentice
La naissance de Charlot
La naissance de Charlot
Self (archive footage)
A Woman
A Woman
Gentleman / 'Nora Nettlerash'
The Tramp
The Tramp
The Tramp
Mary Pickford: The Muse of the Movies
Mary Pickford: The Muse of the Movies
Self (archive footage)
In the Park
In the Park
The Cure
The Cure
The Inebriate
A Night in the Show
A Night in the Show
Mr. Pest and Mr. Rowdy
Dough and Dynamite
Dough and Dynamite
Pay Day
Pay Day
The Fireman
The Fireman

Réalisation (56)

The Great Dictator
The Great Dictator
Modern Times
Modern Times
City Lights
City Lights
The Kid
The Kid
The Gold Rush
The Gold Rush
The Circus
The Circus
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
Shoulder Arms
Shoulder Arms
The Pawnshop
The Pawnshop
Laughing Gas
Laughing Gas
The Champion
The Champion
One A.M.
One A.M.
A King in New York
A King in New York
The Circus
The Circus
Twenty Minutes of Love
Twenty Minutes of Love
The Adventurer
The Adventurer
Easy Street
Easy Street
Monsieur Verdoux
Monsieur Verdoux
The Idle Class
The Idle Class
The Bond
The Bond
Getting Acquainted
Getting Acquainted
A Burlesque on Carmen
A Burlesque on Carmen
Behind the Screen
Behind the Screen
The Face on the Barroom Floor
The Face on the Barroom Floor
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
A Day's Pleasure
A Day's Pleasure
Triple Trouble
Triple Trouble
Pay Day
Pay Day
In the Park
In the Park
A Countess from Hong Kong
A Countess from Hong Kong
His New Job
His New Job
The Fireman
The Fireman
The Vagabond
The Vagabond
The Rink
The Rink
The New Janitor
The New Janitor
The Immigrant
The Immigrant
The Cure
The Cure
His Prehistoric Past
His Prehistoric Past
Dough and Dynamite
Dough and Dynamite
The Floorwalker
The Floorwalker
The Count
The Count
The Bank
The Bank
A Jitney Elopement
A Jitney Elopement
His Trysting Places
His Trysting Places
A Woman
A Woman
A Night in the Show
A Night in the Show
The Masquerader
The Masquerader
The Tramp
The Tramp
His New Profession
His New Profession

Scénario (65)

The Great Dictator
The Great Dictator
Modern Times
Modern Times
City Lights
City Lights
The Kid
The Kid
The Gold Rush
The Gold Rush
The Circus
The Circus
Shoulder Arms
Shoulder Arms
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
Mabel's Busy Day
Mabel's Busy Day
One A.M.
One A.M.
His Favorite Pastime
His Favorite Pastime
A Busy Day
A Busy Day
Between Showers
Between Showers
The Knockout
The Knockout
The Pawnshop
The Pawnshop
Mabel's Strange Predicament
Mabel's Strange Predicament
Kid Auto Races at Venice
Kid Auto Races at Venice
Tango Tangles
Tango Tangles
Mabel's Married Life
Mabel's Married Life
The Champion
The Champion
The Circus
The Circus
Easy Street
Easy Street
The Adventurer
The Adventurer
Monsieur Verdoux
Monsieur Verdoux
A King in New York
A King in New York
A Burlesque on Carmen
A Burlesque on Carmen
A Countess from Hong Kong
A Countess from Hong Kong
Getting Acquainted
Getting Acquainted
Triple Trouble
Triple Trouble
Pay Day
Pay Day
Behind the Screen
Behind the Screen
A Day's Pleasure
A Day's Pleasure
The Bond
The Bond
The Face on the Barroom Floor
The Face on the Barroom Floor
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
The Bank
The Bank
His New Job
His New Job
The Immigrant
The Immigrant
The Fireman
The Fireman
The Floorwalker
The Floorwalker
The Cure
The Cure
The Count
The Count
The Idle Class
The Idle Class
The Rink
The Rink
The New Janitor
The New Janitor
How to Make Movies
How to Make Movies
The Tramp
The Tramp
Her Friend the Bandit
Her Friend the Bandit
His Prehistoric Past
His Prehistoric Past
Dough and Dynamite
Dough and Dynamite
The Vagabond
The Vagabond
His New Profession
His New Profession
A Jitney Elopement
A Jitney Elopement
His Trysting Places
His Trysting Places
A Woman
A Woman
A Night in the Show
A Night in the Show
The Masquerader
The Masquerader
In the Park
In the Park

Production (32)

The Great Dictator
The Great Dictator
Modern Times
Modern Times
City Lights
City Lights
The Kid
The Kid
The Gold Rush
The Gold Rush
The Circus
The Circus
Shoulder Arms
Shoulder Arms
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
Monsieur Verdoux
Monsieur Verdoux
The Adventurer
The Adventurer
Easy Street
Easy Street
The Circus
The Circus
A King in New York
A King in New York
The Pawnshop
The Pawnshop
One A.M.
One A.M.
A Countess from Hong Kong
A Countess from Hong Kong
Pay Day
Pay Day
A Day's Pleasure
A Day's Pleasure
Behind the Screen
Behind the Screen
The Rink
The Rink
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
The Vagabond
The Vagabond
The Immigrant
The Immigrant
The Fireman
The Fireman
The Idle Class
The Idle Class
The Count
The Count
The Cure
The Cure
The Floorwalker
The Floorwalker
How to Make Movies
How to Make Movies