Peter Shukoff a tourné dans 2 séries et dans aucun film. Une prestation à retrouver dans le rôle de Abraham "Abe" Lincoln / Albus Dumbledore / Austin Powers / Batman / Bill Nye / Billy the Kid / Blackbeard / Bob Ross / Bruce Jenner / Charles Darwin / Christopher Columbus / Count Dracula / Darth Vader / David Copperfield / Donald Trump / Easter Bunny / Edward Scissorhands / Freddie Mercury / Friedrich Nietzsche / George Carlin / George Washington / Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come / Godzilla (voice) / Grigori Rasputin / Guy Fawkes / HAL 9000 (voice) / Han Solo (voice) / Henry Ford / Hulk Hogan / Indiana Jones / Ivan the Terrible / J. Robert Oppenheimer / J.R.R. Tolkien / Jacques Cousteau / Jamie Hyneman / Jim Henson / Jimmy Olsen / Joe Biden / John F. Kennedy / John Lennon / John Rambo / Julius Ceasar / Krillin / Lady Gaga / Lance Armstrong / Leonardo / Donatello / Michelangelo / Raphael (voice) / Ludwig van Beethoven / Luigi / Luke Skywalker (voice) / Master Chief / Michael Bay / Michael Jackson (adult) / Miley Stewart / Mr. Rogers / mustached cowboys / Napoleon / Napoleon Dynamite / Nikola Tesla (voice) / Richard the Lionheart / Rick Grimes / RoboCop / Romeo Montague / Ronald McDonald / Russian hacker / Santa Claus / Self / Sigmund Freud / Stephen Hawking / Steve / Steve Jobs / Steven Spielberg / Ted Logan / The Cat in the Hat / The Joker / The Tenth Doctor / Thomas Jefferson / Tony Hawk / Vince Offer / Vladimir Lenin / Vladimir Putin / white preacher / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Yoda (voice) / Zeus (voice) dans la série Epic Rap Battles of History. Peter Shukoff est le showrunner de Epic Rap Battles of History.