From the producers of "Deal or No Deal" and "Secret Millionaire" comes a new, heartfelt game show perfect for the holiday season, "You Deserve It," hosted by Chris Harrison ("The Bachelor") and co-hosted by Brooke Burns. In this six-episode unscripted series, contestants aren't out to win money for themselves, but are playing for someone else – someone they feel deserves it.
Starting with a $10,000 round and going up to a $250,000 round, contestants purchase a series of clues to help them solve the puzzles and win money for their chosen recipient. But each clue will cost them -- and the cost of each clue is randomly selected and won't be revealed until after it has been purchased. The beneficiary, who is in another location under constant hidden-camera surveillance throughout the show, gets the surprise of a lifetime when family, friends, Brooke Burns and a camera crew burst in with life-changing news.