The storyline centers around Michael, who plays Fong Chi Lik (Power), a ruthless businessman with coronary heart disease and eventually undergoes a heart transplant surgery that will ultimately change his life. Bosco initially plays Yiu Yut San, a doctor who dies in an accident and is the one who gives Power the heart. Because of this surgery, Michael turns into a good man with a caring attitude, and entangles himself in a love triangle between Yut San’s fiancée, Yuen Siu Gut (Niki Chow) and his own wife, Tang Sin Hang (Joey Meng).
On the other hand, Yut San’s twin brother, Yiu Yuet San (Bosco Wong) returns to Hong Kong to prepare for his brother’s funeral and also falls in love with Siu Gut. Wanting to repay Yut San’s good deed, Power lends a helping hand to his twin brother, who soon becomes highly successful in the business field. Bosco’s character will also have a relationship storyline with Ha Shiga (Mandy Wong). The plot thickens when Yuet San finds out that his twin brother’s death was not an accident and further investigates to uncover the truth.