Lading in uitvoering
  • GEBOORTE 11/04/1932
  • DOOD 29/04/2021
  • Land Verenigde Staten
  • TOONT 6
  • FILMS 7

Billie Hayes

Billie Hayes is een 89 jaar oude actrice (11 avril 1932 - 29 avril 2021). Billie Hayes is verschenen in 6 shows en 7 movies. Een voorstelling te vinden in de rol van Mother Mae-Eye (voice) in de serie Teen Titans. In de bioscoop, in de rol van Orgoch (voice) in de speelfilm The Black Cauldron.

Billie Hayes

Toont (6)

Teen Titans
Teen Titans
Mother Mae-Eye (voice)
Teen Titans Go!
Teen Titans Go!
Mother Mae-Eye (voice)
The Batman
The Batman
Virginia / Georgia (voice)
Murder, She Wrote
Murder, She Wrote
Peter Pan
Crazy Edie (voice) / Mrs. Half Nelson (voice)
H.R. Pufnstuf
H.R. Pufnstuf
Wilhemina W. Witchiepoo

Films (7)

The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron
Orgoch (voice)
Siegfried and Roy: Masters of the Impossible
Siegfried and Roy: Masters of the Impossible
The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Legend of Grimace Island
The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The…
One Eyed Sally (voice)
Li'l Abner
Li'l Abner
Pansy ('Mammy') Yokum
Once Upon a Halloween
Once Upon a Halloween
Emma Ferguson
My Freaky Family: Welcome to My World
My Freaky Family: Welcome to My World
Grandma (voice)