Lading in uitvoering
  • GEBOORTE 24/07/1930
  • DOOD 26/04/2013
  • Land Verenigde Staten
  • TOONT 4
  • FILMS 10

Jacqueline Brookes

Jacqueline Brookes is een 82 jaar oude actrice (24 juillet 1930 - 26 avril 2013). Jacqueline Brookes is verschenen in 4 shows en 10 movies. Een voorstelling te vinden in de rol van Admiral Brand in de serie Star Trek: The Next Generation. In de bioscoop, in de rol van Commissioner Brumford in de speelfilm The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear.

Jacqueline Brookes

Toont (4)

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Admiral Brand
Law & Order 1990
Law & Order 1990
Trial Judge Grace Larkin
Miami Vice
Miami Vice
Judge Cohen
The Equalizer
The Equalizer
Dr. Grayson / Phyllis Robertson

Films (10)

The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear
Commissioner Brumford
The Entity
The Entity
Dr. Cooley
The Good Son
The Good Son
Alice Davenport
Ghost Story
Ghost Story
Rodeo Girl
Rodeo Girl
License to Kill
License to Kill
Judge Miriam Roth
Last Embrace
Last Embrace
Dr. Coopersmith
The Werewolf of Washington
The Werewolf of Washington
Angela - Publisher
The Gambler
The Gambler
Naomi Freed
Losing Isaiah
Losing Isaiah
Judge Silbowitz