Lading in uitvoering
  • GEBOORTE 12/06/1920
  • DOOD 19/11/2004
  • Land Verenigde Staten
  • TOONT 4
  • FILMS 7

Ruth Manning

Ruth Manning is een 84 jaar oude actrice (12 juin 1920 - 19 novembre 2004). Ruth Manning is verschenen in 4 shows en 7 movies. Een voorstelling te vinden in de rol van Mrs. Newberry / Ruth Pooler in de serie ER. In de bioscoop, in de rol van Charlotte Braithwaite in de speelfilm The Last Flight of Noah's Ark.

Ruth Manning

Toont (4)

Mrs. Newberry / Ruth Pooler
All in the Family
All in the Family
Aunt Rose
Night Court
Night Court
Mrs. Marsden
Three's Company
Three's Company
Harriet Hadley / Nurse Engel

Films (7)

The Last Flight of Noah's Ark
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark
Charlotte Braithwaite
Audrey Rose
Audrey Rose
Customer in Store
Future Cop
Future Cop
No Deposit, No Return
No Deposit, No Return
Miss Murdock
Take Your Best Shot
Take Your Best Shot
Casting Director
Grave Secrets
Grave Secrets
Dr. Kathleen Thorpe
...And Your Name Is Jonah
...And Your Name Is Jonah
Mrs. Marquardt