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WHY did I get my hopes up? - Windows 11 Announcement

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Microsoft’s poorly-kept secret was let out of the bag early – Perhaps intentionally. But how much did we REALLY learn before today’s announcement? And did we learn anything today?

Windows 11's official landing page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows/windows-11

Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1350487-why-did-i-get-my-hopes-up-windows-11-announcement/

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0:00 Intro
0:53 What's a "Windows 11"?
1:20 New design!
1:57 Window management is cool
3:35 What about gaming???
4:09 New input stuff
5:13 Teams is integrated now...? And dictation!
6:21 Windows Store - Can Android make it good?
7:07 Widgets aren't Gadgets
7:40 Pricing and availability
8:09 System requirements... And caveats.
9:57 Hope it's good...

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S13E177 - I want to talk to you about Windows 11 - WAN Show Jun 25, 2021
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