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Lore For Noobs - Aegwynn Part 1

Ishnu ahlah this is Aliha and Pride with OMFG.fm and this is Lore for Noobs - Aegwynn

Aegwynn started out as a young magi apprentice of Guardian Magna Scavell. Being told by the other apprentices girls couldn't play at saving the world she went and schooled them by learning magic from texts the Council of Tirisfallen itself had trouble deciphering.

Proving her strength and skill she was chosen to be the next guardian and wasted no time to begin her battle with the Burning Legion. Her first assignment was to kill off Zmodlor, a big bad demon who like to possess little children. She banished him and was given hell by the Council for not waiting to see what the demon's plot was. She told them she intended to be a proactive Guardian rather than let people suffer.

Fast forward a few hundred years to Northrend. Aegwynn, tracking demons that were having a little dragon hunt discovered the Avatar of Sargeras himself. Having a case of the 'uber l33ts' she decided to face the demonic lord and sent him packing. Just before his death, the Avatar imbued Aegwynn with his spirit, hiding within her body until the time was just right. No doubt to remind her, one day, that his previous defeat was merely a setback. Unaware of this Aegwynn turned her attention to other pressing matters.

After centuries of service, Aegwynn's time as guardian was coming to an end. Knowing that the Council would soon replace her with their own choice she decided to pass on the powers they gave her to a guardian of her own choosing. She went about looking for a lover, finding Nielas Arran, a court wizard of Stormwind. They took a trip to Goldshire, had a few drinks and before you knew it she was pregnant.

Arran was heartbroken to learn he was just used by the love of his life for her own goals to retain power. Guilt gnawed at her about the whole thing so after her son was born she disappeared and left him with Aran to raise. Neither parent knew that along with the power of the guardian, Sargeras' spirit inhabited the babe not to be awakened until he hit puberty. As if pimples and squeaky voices weren't awkward enough already...
Anywho after leaving Medivh with his father she took off for parts unknown to seek a peaceful existence. It didn't last long. She heard tell of Medivh's prowess as a Guardian and a Mage over the years. Mommy went to visit and overheard his plots with the Legion. Confronting him about his unsavory new friends proved to be nearly fatal. Mother and Son fought, he drained neigh all her remaining power and then did the classic Evil Genius move of telling her his plan from the moment she defeated Sargeras to what he was going to do after he beat her... and let her escape thinking her no threat with all her power gone.

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S01E213 - Lore For Noobs - Aegwynn Part 2
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