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It Hurts! Drunken Hero Adventure!!

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Still curious as to how the real Deka Red appeared in the Akibarangers' delusion, Hiroyo calls up Akagi, who tells her he is drinking with friends at a night club. Shortly after the phone conversation, Akagi bumps into Sayaka, who tells him she is meeting up with her friends inside. His hopes for scoring a date with her are boosted when he hears in her conversation with her friends that she does not have a boyfriend, which causes him to order an extra pitcher of beer at his table. Later that night, a drunk Akagi and his friends spot a maid being harassed by a man they believe is recruiting her to become a hostess; in his delusion, the man is yet another Chief Clerk named Kabukichō Mesugurohyōmonchō who orders his Shatieeks to abduct all of the maids on the street. Akagi transforms into Akiba Red and engages the enemies, with his teammates joining him shortly. Just after Mesugurohyōmonchō reveals the nature of his mission and Akiba Yellow suddenly falls in love with him, Akiba Red summons Bouken Red "Good Luck Form" to battle, much to Hiroyo's surprise. The combined attacks of Akiba Red and Bouken Red force the Chief Clerk to retreat, while Akagi returns to the real world, still drunk and surrounded by people taking pictures of him. The next morning, Hiroyo explains to the trio that Akagi's delusions were amplified by his alcohol intake. The group is further surprised by Yumeria's cosplay change into a blue-haired elementary school boy. Mitsuki is further annoyed when her comrades start schooling her on Super Sentai knowledge during their drinking binge, forcing her to leave the café and walk back home, but not before stopping by a video café. Later that night, the trio once again encounters Mesugurohyōmonchō, who attempts to abduct Mitsuki. Upon changing into the Akibarangers, they discover a cage with five women - including Sayaka - locked inside. Akiba Red rushes to break the cage and free the hostages, but is caught off-guard when Sayaka reveals herself to be Malseena, who then orders Mesugurohyōmonchō to attack him (albeit in a homoerotic way). As Akiba Yellow is revealed to be a fujoshi, she goes moe over the scene. Both Akiba Red and Akiba Yellow fall for the same trick three times, with Hiroyo suspecting that their drunkenness is interfering with their delusions. Akiba Blue asks Hiroyo to shut down the delusion to get her comrades sobered up, but with Hiroyo herself drunk, she goes after Malseena by herself while saying various lines from GoGo Sentai Boukenger. Akiba Red and Akiba Yellow begin to realize that while they were out drinking, Mitsuki spent her time watching Boukenger at the video café; this enables the two to sober up. Once again, Bouken Red is summoned in battle, and he grants Akiba Blue the Inordinate Power of the Bouken Scooper to bury Mesugurohyōmonchō in the ground before the trio finishes him off with the Moe Magnum. The trio returns to the real world with Akagi and Yumeria vomiting heavily from their drunkenness. The next morning at the café, Akagi, Yumeria and Hiroyo apologize to Mitsuki, who tells them not to drink anymore. Akagi vows that they will fight together without the use of alcohol. However, Mitsuki announces that starting tomorrow, she will not be part of the group as she leaves the café, much to everyone's dismay.

Volgende aflevering
S01E04 - Forbidden Delusion Is the Pain of Immortality Blue


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