I cannot believe such a terrible, over rated show with a 1 dimensional narcissist as the main focal point could survive 13 mind numbing seasons. It is only further proof people love to be told what to watch, buy, be, and how to think. Congrats to all the vapid sheeple who have given this puddle of cold vomit masquerading as entertainment more than a 1 (none if I could) star rating. You have confirmed my lack of faith in television.
132 people found this review helpful

A Google user
Unfortunately, this show has jumped the shark...it's always depressing tone and never-ending tragedy coupled with simplistic story-lines make the show a chore to "get through" rather than enjoy. Gone are the days of creative genius that brought the show to where it is now. Shonda Rhimes seems to have left Grey's behind to concentrate on her other - newer - products. It's unfortunate, really.
52 people found this review helpful

Sara Watson
This was an amazing 5 star show the 1st 5 or 6 seasons. Season 1 is so funny & is prob my fav of them all, but after the plane crash I just feel like theres no more horrible tragedies u can continue to put theze docs in without it becoming unbelievable. I think a great show like this needs to end being great!
21 people found this review helpful