When Rory gets accepted to a fancy prep school, Lorelia is forced to humble herself and ask her mother for help in paying the tuition.
A T-shirt, shorts and cowboy boots clad Lorelai accompanies Rory on her first day at school, drawing disapproving stares from the other mothers and from Lorelai's own mother, Emily. Lorelai and Emily argue over money for Rory.
When Richard and Rory form an instant bond during a wonderful day of golf, Lorelai feels left out and finds it difficult to observe Rory's emotional connection with Emily and Richard, knowing that she herself lacks the same intimacy.
Rory has trouble getting good grades at her new school. Lorelai becomes interested in Rory's handsome teacher.
Lorelai forgets to tell Rory that she has a date with Rory's teacher Max. Rory has a new crush.
Rory gets upset at Emily, who plans a formal birthday party for her but feels that Rory is being ungrateful when Rory reveals that she would not like to have a formal birthday party. However, Lorelai's party for Rory is a success.
Rory decides not to tell her mother that she and Dean have kissed. Lorelai takes the liberty of inviting Dean over, and Rory is embarrassed by her mother's actions.
Lorelai shares a wonderful day with Max while Rory is snowed in at her grandparents' home. Lane misses Rory and comes to visit.
Rory turns down two boys' offers to take her to a school dance and instead chooses to go with Dean. Dean gets into conflict with the two jealous boys who were rejected by Rory.
Richard collapses at the Gilmore's Christmas party. Dean assures Lorelai that nothing improper happened on the night he and Rory fell asleep together. Lorelai and Luke seem to be more attracted to each other.
Paris exposes the relationship between Lorelai and Rory's teacher, Max, causing a scandal. Lorelai and Max sadly part.
Lorelai finds herself on a hellish double date with Sookie, Jackson and Jackson's very odd cousin. Meanwhile Rory double dates with Dean, Lane and Dean's friend. They keep their plans secret because Lane's protective mother would not approve.
Trouble occurs when Rory brings her friends to a concert by The Bangles.
Rory and Dean disagree about women's roles after watching "The Donna Reed Show."
Rory's father, Christopher, returns, causing tension in Emily and Richard's house--and forcing Lorelai to make a big decision about her family's future.
Dean and Rory share a special evening as the town celebrates its romantic history.
Dean ends his and Rory's relationship on the night of their third anniversary. Refusing to indulge in self-pity, Rory attends a party and finds her classmate Tristin, who just lost his girlfriend. When Tristin kisses Rory, she finally admits to herself how confused and miserable she is. Meanwhile, Lorelai visits Max, and the two can't resist making love.
Emily becomes worried when Lorelai's grandmother offers Lorelai a trust fund for Rory's education. If Lorelai accepts the trust fund, Emily fears she will lose contact with Lorelai and Rory once they are not financially dependent on her. Meanwhile, Rory feels uncomfortable near Tristin after their kiss. She tries to pair Tristin with Paris, not realizing that she herself is the one whom Tristin is interested in.
Aghast to finally see the conditions in which Lorelai reared Rory instead of living with Richard and her, Emily tries to create the perfect bedroom for Rory in her house.
Still upset over Dean, Rory becomes angry with Lorelai, who didn't tell her that she is dating Max again. Dean tells Lorelai that he left Rory because she couldn't say "I love you," and Lorelai urges Rory to express her emotions more freely.
While Lorelai deals with the rebuilding of the fire-damaged inn, Rory schemes to give her mom a great birthday party, complete with a gigantic pizza. After Richard surprises Lorelai with a large check that resulted from an investment he made when she was born, she uses part of the money to repay her parents for Rory's education, a gesture which does not please Emily. Meanwhile, Luke confirms that his suspicions are correct: Jess has been skipping school to work extra shifts at the drugstore.
With graduation approaching, Rory happily anticipates attending the Stars Hollow High School prom with Jess--but he gets some surprising news from Principal Merten (LAWRENCE HILTON-JACOBS - "Welcome Back, Kotter"). After Lane's rock band debuts at a big party, the evening ends badly when the longstanding animosity between Jess and Dean finally results in a fistfight. Meanwhile, Lorelai reluctantly serves on the parents' committee for the Chilton graduation party, uncomfortably reuniting her with her former boyfriend, Max Medina (recurring guest star SCOTT COHEN).
After the brawl between Jess and Dean, Lane is in a lot of trouble with her conservative mother, and Luke is furious at Jess. But ironically, Lorelai is proud of Rory for causing such passion in two guys. Later, a mysterious coffee shop patron observes Jess at work and accidentally leaves his wallet behind. Upon finding it, Luke is amazed to discover that the man is Jess' estranged father, Jimmy Mariano (recurring guest star ROB ESTES - "Melrose Place," "Providence"), from California. Jimmy's arrival causes Jess to ponder a major decision. Meanwhile, Lorelai's relationship with her mother gets worse. Dean amazes Rory with a life-altering announcement. And Lorelai and Sookie guiltily try to capitalize on the death of a beloved bakery owner whose building they desperately want to convert into their own inn.
Jess leaves Stars Hollow and travels across the country to Venice, California, where his father, Jimmy (recurring guest star ROB ESTES), lives. The reunion and the important decisions it engenders cause tension with Jimmy's live-in girlfriend, Sasha (SHERILYN FENN - "Twin Peaks," "Boxing Helena"). Meanwhile, although she has an almost impossible amount of school-related work to complete before graduation, Rory agrees to help her grandmother choose an outfit for the ceremony--resulting in another conflict with Lorelai. Also, Lorelai agonizes over paying for Rory's Yale education.
In the season finale, Rory and Lorelai happily prepare for Rory's graduation from Chilton. But major developments involving the Independence Inn threaten to dampen the festivities. Rory secretly approaches Emily and Richard for help. Meanwhile, Rory and Dean share a bittersweet moment as he prepares for a big life change. Rory's beautiful valedictorian speech causes many tears. Rory and Lorelai are excited about their summertime European trip. And Luke has a surprising dream about Lorelai on the night before a romantic cruise with his girlfriend. Recurring guest star musician GRANT LEE PHILLIPS appears as the Town Troubadour.
Immediately upon returning from a whirlwind summer backpacking trip to Europe, Lorelai (series star LAUREN GRAHAM) and Rory (series star ALEXIS BLEDEL) Gilmore embark on a heavily scheduled week of mother/daughter activities, in bittersweet anticipation of Rory going away to Yale University as a freshman. But a number of situations conspire to make things harder than expected for them. After an exhausting day of handing out gifts to everyone--except, to Lorelai's dismay, coffee shop owner Luke Danes (series star SCOTT PATTERSON), for whom they couldn't find anything good enough--Rory is horrified to discover that she wrote down the wrong day for her departure. Instead of having a week and a half, they must do everything they had planned within three days. Meanwhile, Taylor Doose opens a soda shop near Luke's diner and, unbeknownst to Rory, hires eccentric resident Kirk to advertise her as the "Ice Cream Queen."
Mother and daughter share Rory's first day at Yale University by moving Rory into her dormitory, where she meets a strange new roommate, Tanna (recurring guest star OLIVIA HACK), and learns that her old adversary, Paris, will also be sharing her room. Although she is overwhelmed with excitement, Rory is also embarrassed to find that she isn't quite ready to let Lorelai go. Meanwhile, Luke continues to cope with the aftermath of a disastrous cruise with his soon-to-be-former wife.
Rory is shocked when Emily completely redecorates Rory's dormitory room without her permission. At her first Yale party, Rory finds herself trapped by twins who were instructed by Emily to find Rory and keep her safe. Meanwhile, Lorelai and Sookie take a job catering a kids' "Lord of the Rings"-themed birthday party to make money while their new inn is under construction. And Richard takes on a new business partner named Jason "Digger" Stiles (series star CHRIS EIGEMAN), who is the son of Richard's former associate.
While visiting Stars Hollow for the weekend, Rory encounters her ex-boyfriend Dean (former series star JARED PADALECKI), who awkwardly invites her to his wedding the next day. During his bachelor party that night, Dean stumbles into Luke's diner and drunkenly confesses how much he misses Rory. Meanwhile, Taylor Doose (recurring guest star MICHAEL WINTERS), who controls the permit procedures for every building in town, irritates Lorelai and Sookie as they try to get construction started on their new Dragonfly Inn.
Rory goes on her first date since ending her relationship with Jess and finds that college dating is not going to be easy. Lorelai invites Luke over for the traditional movie night she used to share with Rory. Later, Lorelai gets upset when she learns that the designer she just hired for the Dragonfly Inn used to work for Emily.
When Emily plans an elaborate launch party for Richard's new company, she hires Lorelai and Sookie to cater the affair but insists they prove that they are worthy of her trust. After Richard's partner, Jason "Digger" Stiles, insults Emily by suggesting that her party idea is outdated, Lorelai confronts him and is surprised when he asks her out to dinner. Meanwhile, Rory has a tough time finding a decent place to study at Yale.
Lauren Graham
Lorelai Gilmore
Alexis Bledel
Rory Gilmore
Melissa McCarthy
Sookie St. James
Keiko Agena
Lane Kim
Yanic Truesdale
Michel Gerard