Charity Warren
Every movie has the same ending these days: the girl gets the guy, the guy gets the girl. It's only a few movies that end in mystery and thIse I think are the ones that give excutemebf. The way they performed the tricks and the way the movie made sense through each setting was spectacular, and those who think otherwise obviously live in that same small tiny box. The way the movie kind of tricked you I loved too because how are you going to have a magic movie and the movie itself doesn't trick you. I also liked the out of nowhere love, gives it that extra pow. And those who say horrible and terrible well what are you doing with your life, other than sitting on your ampots judging other people, you not God. If you don't feel like sitting through the whole movie, or felt that it was a waste of time no one said you had to sit through the whole movie. How about yall wanna be noticed butts get up and get a life, grow some hair, and stop trying get on other people lives like yours is so perfect. Also, those actors you say doing a horrible job I'm pretty sure they are making more money than you do sweeties. To those who said it was a great movie, I thank you for being out side the box.
65 people found this review helpful

Hannah Hubbard
just gonna start off by saying if your one of those people who titles there comment "predictable" pls just be quiet ur input is severely predictable 😜 neeext Dylans character is just perfect, making the audience think he was a fool while manipulating the people who thought they were doing the manipulation is just classic. I was purely happy when he was revealed to the audience because I never would have suspected that from someone who seemed so embarrassing. but haters gonna hate 😝

Jesse Stratford
The effects and tricks were amazing. The ending gets me everytime. You can tell there was definitely some time spent coming up with the concept and plot to this movie. Yet, when you actually watch it, key elements are unexplained and leave you just a little confused once it's over. There isn't much character development, and some of the dialogue feels forced at times. They expand on some characters, but others are just thrown into the story feeling a bit random. Overall it was still a fun film to watch.