Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Complete Series
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Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Four nations. One war-torn world. Go back to the beginning and relive the epic saga of Avatar: The Last Airbender – the animated series that became a global phenomenon – with this complete collection, including all three books: Water, Earth, and Fire. After being frozen in an iceberg for 100 years, Avatar Aang, a reluctant hero, must rise to his responsibility and fight against the evil Fire Nation to restore balance in his war-torn world. Along with his friends Katara and Sokka, the sister and brother from the Southern Water Tribe who discovered him, and Master Earthbender Toph, Aang must embark on a journey to master all four elements in order to save the world from the Fire Nation, which aims to destroy all other nation once and for all. But the Fire Nation has been awaiting the Avatar’s return … especially Prince Zuko, a young Firebender whose mission in life is to capture the Avatar, dead or alive. Hop aboard Appa, the Avatar’s flying bison, and travel to Air Temples, Water Tribes, and the Earth Kingdom as Aang reunites with past Avatars and old friends, and faces the Fire Nation. From the battle at Ba Sing Se to the final showdown, your destiny awaits as you experience all the powerful bending that’ll blow you away!
The Boy in the Iceberg (The Avatar Returns, Part 1)
Season 1: Episode 1TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Katara and Sokka, a brother and sister from the Southern Water Tribe, discover a twelve-year-old boy frozen in an iceberg. Katara wonders if this boy is the Avatar whom the world has been waiting for for a hundred years. Of course, his enemies in the Fire Nation have also been waiting.
1. The Boy in the Iceberg (The Avatar Returns, Part 1)23 Min3/11/2005$2.99
The Avatar Returns, Part 2
Season 1: Episode 2TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Prince Zuko, a young Firebender whose mission in life is to capture the Avatar, tracks Aang down to the Southern Water Tribe village where Katara and Sokka live.
2. The Avatar Returns, Part 223 Min3/11/2005$2.99
The Souther Air Temple
Season 1: Episode 3TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang is eager to take Sokka and Katara to the Air Temple where he was raised. But upon arrival, it becomes apparent that the temple is not at all how Aang remembers it.
3. The Souther Air Temple24 Min2/25/2005$2.99
The Warriors of Kyoshi
Season 1: Episode 4TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When locals of a small island discover Aang is the Avatar, they treat him like a celebrity. Aang enjoys all the attention, but it ultimately leads to trouble. Meanwhile, Sokka faces his pre-conceived ideas about women when he meets some female warriors.
4. The Warriors of Kyoshi23 Min3/4/2005$2.99
The King of Omashu
Season 1: Episode 5TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang takes Katara and Sokka to an Earthbender city to play on their delivery slides. The kids cause damage to the city and are brought before a crazy old king, who seems to enjoy messing with the kids' heads. Is the king completely insane, or could there be a method to his madness?
5. The King of Omashu24 Min3/18/2005$2.99
Season 1: Episode 6TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids come to an Earth Nation town which is occupied by the Fire Nation. But will Katara's attempts to inspire the oppressed people help them or hurt them?
6. Imprisoned24 Min3/25/2005$2.99
Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World
Season 1: Episode 7TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang, Katara, and Sokka arrive at a town being terrorized by a mysterious force from the spirit world. Aang doesn't know how to help these people, and realizes he has much to learn about being the Avatar.
7. Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World24 Min4/8/2005$2.99
Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku
Season 1: Episode 8TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
During the winter solstice, Aang must reach a Fire Nation temple while dodging Prince Zuko, Commander Zhao, and the Fire Sages who guard it.
8. Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku23 Min4/15/2005$2.99
The Waterbending Scroll
Season 1: Episode 9TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Katara's desire to master Waterbending gets the best of her, the kids find themselves on the run from pirates.
9. The Waterbending Scroll24 Min4/29/2005$2.99
Season 1: Episode 10TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Our heroes' friendship is tested when they meet Jet, a charismatic teenager leading a band of rebels who are fighting against the Fire Nation.
10. Jet24 Min5/6/2005$2.99
The Great Divide
Season 1: Episode 11TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Aang and friends come to the rim of a giant canyon, they are asked to help guide two groups of refugees across. Aang quickly learns that this will be no easy task - the two tribes have been fighting for 100 years, not to mention the vicious wildlife living on the canyon floor.
11. The Great Divide24 Min5/20/2005$2.99
The Storm
Season 1: Episode 12TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A powerful storm brings up painful memories of the past - and puts everyone in jeopardy in the present.
12. The Storm24 Min6/3/2005$2.99
The Blue Spirit
Season 1: Episode 13TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Sokka and Katara get too sick to travel, Aang goes out on his own to find a cure for them. But he is captured by Zhao and held prisoner inside an impenetrable fortress.
13. The Blue Spirit24 Min6/17/2005$2.99
The Fortune Teller
Season 1: Episode 14TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang, Katara, and Sokka discover a village of people who are all reliant on a fortuneteller in their everyday lives - but they are so reliant that they are blind to the imminent danger they are all in.
14. The Fortune Teller24 Min9/23/2005$2.99
Bato of the Water Tribe
Season 1: Episode 15TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang feels insecure when Katara and Sokka come across something that reminds them of home. Because Aang thinks his friends might leave him, he hides an important message which only leads to trouble.
15. Bato of the Water Tribe24 Min10/7/2005$2.99
The Deserter
Season 1: Episode 16TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang attempts to find a Firebending master to teach him while Katara learns that she possesses a special power.
16. The Deserter24 Min10/7/2005$2.99
The Northern Air Temple
Season 1: Episode 17TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
After hearing rumors about surviving Airbenders, the kids journey to the Northern Air temple to see for themselves. What they find there could spell disaster for all enemies of the Fire Nation.
17. The Northern Air Temple24 Min11/4/2005$2.99
The Waterbending Master
Season 1: Episode 18TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids reach the Northern Water tribe, and Aang and Katara look for a Waterbending Master as Sokka falls for a princess. Meanwhile, Zhao plans an attack and Zuko must find a way to continue his quest for the Avatar.
18. The Waterbending Master24 Min11/18/2005$2.99
The Seige of the North, Part 1
Season 1: Episode 19TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The Northern Water Tribe braces itself for an attack by Admiral Zhao’s Fire Navy fleet. In the heat of battle, Aang struggles to defend the city. He wonders if there isn’t a better way to use his Avatar abilities.
19. The Seige of the North, Part 124 Min12/2/2005$2.99
The Seige of the North, Part 2
Season 1: Episode 20TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Zhao’s invasion breaks through the outer wall of the Northern Water Tribe’s defenses, and he reveals a sinister plan. Aang goes to the spirit world for help – but will he return in time to stop Zhao and prevent the destruction of the Water Tribe?
20. The Seige of the North, Part 224 Min12/2/2005$2.99
The Avatar State
Season 1: Episode 21TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang and the group meet an Earth Kingdom general who wants to use Aang’s powerful “Avatar State” as a weapon to defeat the Fire Nation. But getting into the “Avatar state” on purpose is more difficult than Aang thinks.
21. The Avatar State24 Min3/17/2006$2.99
The Cave of Two Lovers
Season 1: Episode 22TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
On their way to Omashu, the kids meet a group of nomads who show them a short cut through the 'cave of two lovers'. But when the kids become lost in the caves, they have to trust in love in order to overcome the curse and get out of the tunnels.
22. The Cave of Two Lovers24 Min3/24/2006$2.99
Return to Omashu
Season 1: Episode 23TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids return to Omashu so that Aang can learn Earthbending from King Bumi. But when they get there, they are shocked to find the city is now in Fire Nation hands. Despite the danger, Aang enters Omashu in search of King Bumi.
23. Return to Omashu24 Min4/7/2006$2.99
The Swamp
Season 1: Episode 24TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When the kids end up in a mysterious and strange swamp, their fears are exposed. And Aang learns about being "connected to the Earth" from an unlikely teacher.
24. The Swamp24 Min4/14/2006$2.99
Avatar Day
Season 1: Episode 25TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang and the gang discover an Earth town that celebrates something called "Avatar Day". When they learn that it is not a celebration of the Avatar, but a festival of anti-Avatar sentiment caused by something Aang did in his past, Aang is determined to clear the Avatar's good name.
25. Avatar Day24 Min4/28/2006$2.99
The Blind Bandit
Season 1: Episode 26TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
In search for an Earthbending teacher for Aang, the kids go to an underground Earthbending tournament where they encounter Toph, a blind, but powerful Earthbender. After seeing her unique style of Earthbending, Aang wants Toph to become his teacher, but there are complications.
26. The Blind Bandit24 Min5/5/2006$2.99
Zuko Alone
Season 1: Episode 27TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Traveling without Uncle now, Zuko wanders alone into an Earth Kingdom town where he bonds with a local boy. Meanwhile, Zuko is haunted by memories of his own youth.
27. Zuko Alone24 Min5/12/2006$2.99
The Chase
Season 1: Episode 28TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
As the kids are pursued relentlessly by a mysterious machine, their exhaustion puts them at each other's throats.
28. The Chase24 Min5/26/2006$2.99
Bitter Work
Season 1: Episode 29TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Aang struggles with a block while trying to learn Earthbending from Toph, he wonders if the problem is with him or his teacher. Meanwhile, Sokka gets himself in a jam.
29. Bitter Work24 Min6/2/2006$2.99
The Library
Season 1: Episode 30TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A professor leads the kids to a spirit library in the middle of the desert, where Sokka hopes to discover powerful secrets to use against the Fire Nation.
30. The Library24 Min9/17/2006$2.99
The Desert
Season 1: Episode 31TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang searches for Appa, while Katara struggles to keep everyone together so they can survive in the vast desert. Meanwhile, Uncle and Zuko seek help from an ancient secret society.
31. The Desert24 Min9/17/2006$2.99
The Secret of the Fire Nation
Season 1: Episode 32TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang and the group escort a group of refugees to Ba Sing Se through the deadly "Serpent's Pass." There they discover a monstrous plot by the Fire Nation that threatens the city!
32. The Secret of the Fire Nation47 Min9/15/2006$2.99
City of Walls and Secrets
Season 1: Episode 33TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang and the kids finally arrive in Ba Sing Se to see the Earth King, only to find mysterious forces within the city conspiring to stop them. Meanwhile, Jet tries to find proof that Zuko and Uncle are Fire Nation.
33. City of Walls and Secrets24 Min9/22/2006$2.99
Tales of Ba Sing Se
Season 1: Episode 34TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A series of short stories, highlighting different characters and their individual adventures in the city. Tales of Katara and Toph, Uncle, Sokka, Aang, Zuko, and Momo.
34. Tales of Ba Sing Se24 Min9/29/2006$2.99
Appa's Lost Days
Season 1: Episode 35TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
In this special episode, we go back in time to the moment Appa was stolen, and find out exactly what happened to him, and where he's been all this time - and where he is now!
35. Appa's Lost Days24 Min10/13/2006$2.99
Lake Laogai
Season 1: Episode 36TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
While searching for Appa, the kids run into Jet, but are torn about whether to trust him or not. Meanwhile, Zuko also hunts for Appa.
36. Lake Laogai24 Min11/3/2006$2.99
The Earth King
Season 1: Episode 37TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids battle Long Feng the Dai Li when they attempt to show the Earth King the vast conspiracy taking place in his city. Zuko becomes seriously ill and has feverish dreams as he faces a spiritual crisis.
37. The Earth King24 Min11/17/2006$2.99
The Guru/The Crossroads of Destiny
Season 1: Episode 38TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
A guru at the Eastern Air Temple helps Aang take the next step in his Avatar journey. Sokka meets his long lost father. Azula hatches a diabolical plan, and Uncle and Zuko open a new tea shop./Everyone races against time to stop Azula's sinister conquest of Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Katara spend time together in an unexpected way. Aang's destiny hangs in the balance - and so does Zuko's, as Uncle tells him it is "time to choose."
38. The Guru/The Crossroads of Destiny47 Min1/1/2006$2.99
The Awakening
Season 1: Episode 39TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
After sustaining serious injuries at the end of season two, Aang awakens to find himself aboard a Fire Nation ship. Meanwhile, Zuko journeys home.
39. The Awakening24 Min9/21/2007$2.99
The Headband
Season 1: Episode 40TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
To better camouflage themselves as real Fire Nation citizens, the kids check out a Fire Nation school. Avatar dance special. Also, Zuko confronts Uncle.
40. The Headband24 Min9/28/2007$2.99
The Painted Lady
Season 1: Episode 41TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When the gang comes to a suffering fishing village, a mysterious spirit appears to help the villagers.
41. The Painted Lady24 Min10/5/2007$2.99
Sokka's Master
Season 1: Episode 42TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Sokka feels he’s not contributing enough to the group, he seeks out a mysterious master to teach him the ways of the sword.
42. Sokka's Master24 Min10/12/2007$2.99
The Beach
Season 1: Episode 43TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee go on vacation at Lo and Li’s beach house, where they learn a lot about themselves and each other. Meanwhile, the kids face a new enemy.
43. The Beach24 Min10/19/2007$2.99
The Avatar and the Firelord
Season 1: Episode 44TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Aang and Zuko are taken on parallel adventures that give them insight into their forefathers’ pasts – but how does the tale of Roku and Sozin matter to them now?
44. The Avatar and the Firelord24 Min10/26/2007$2.99
The Runaway
Season 1: Episode 45TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When Toph discovers a quick way to make cash, Katara disapproves, and the rift between them has disastrous consequences.
45. The Runaway24 Min11/2/2007$2.99
The Puppetmaster
Season 1: Episode 46TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids investigate mysterious disappearances in a spooky town. Katara makes a special connection.
46. The Puppetmaster24 Min11/9/2007$2.99
Nightmares and Daydreams
Season 1: Episode 47TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
On the eve of the eclipse, Aang’s anxiety gets the better of him. His dreams become nightmares, and soon he can no longer tell dream from reality.
47. Nightmares and Daydreams24 Min11/16/2007$2.99
Day of the Black Sun
Season 1: Episode 48TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
With the day of the eclipse upon them, the kids -- along with a rag-tag force of old friends -- enact their long-planned invasion of the Fire Nation. As the invasion force fights their way to the Fire Nation capital, the kids help Aang to find the Firelord in time for the eclipse. But there are a few surprises…
48. Day of the Black Sun47 Min11/30/2007$2.99
The Western Air Temple
Season 1: Episode 49TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When our gang regroups at the Western Air temple, they find someone there they weren’t expecting.
49. The Western Air Temple24 Min7/15/2008$2.99
The Firebending Masters
Season 1: Episode 50TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
When it comes time for Zuko to teach Aang Firebending, it turns out Aang is not the only one who needs a lesson. The two set out to learn the true meaning of Firebending from the original teachers.
50. The Firebending Masters24 Min7/15/2008$2.99
The Boiling Rock
Season 1: Episode 51TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Sokka and Zuko head to the Fire Nation’s most heavily guarded prison -- the Boiling Rock -- in hopes to find and break-out the captured invasion force. Sokka and Zuko have to rethink their escape plan after things go wrong. They end up getting help from a few unexpected sources.
51. The Boiling Rock45 Min7/16/2008$2.99
The Souther Raiders
Season 1: Episode 52TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
Katara sets out to confront the Fire Nation soldier who killed her mother. But what will she do when she finds him?
52. The Souther Raiders24 Min7/18/2008$2.99
The Ember Island Players
Season 1: Episode 53TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids see a play about themselves and all their past adventures. But they aren’t happy with the production.
53. The Ember Island Players24 Min7/18/2008$2.99
Sozin's Comet
Season 1: Episode 54TV Parental Guidelines SystemCCHD
The kids learn new information about Firelord Ozai’s master plan and decide to strike sooner than planned -- but will Aang be ready? Meanwhile, Aang seeks advice from his past lives. In the climatic series finale, Zuko confronts Azula, and Aang finally faces the Firelord.
54. Sozin's Comet1 H 32 Min7/19/2008$2.99
Cast and crew
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English (CC)
Age rating
54 Episodes (1 Days 37 Min)
Released year
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Windows | Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later |
Xbox | Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X |