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Making Montgomery Clift

Making Montgomery Clift

Classic film star and queer icon Montgomery Clift’s legacy has long been a story of tragedy and self-destruction. But when his nephew dives into the family... archives, a much more complicat...

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Montgomery Clift was one of the most influential actors in the history of cinema, bucking traditions on and off screen, but countless biographies have reduced him to labels like “tragically self-destructive” and “tormented.” Now, his nephew Robert Clift and Hillary Demmon rigorously examine the flawed narratives that have come to define Monty’s legacy. Drawing on interviews with family and loved ones and a rich collection of unreleased archival materials from Monty and his brother, Brooks Clift, this fresh portrait of the actor’s passions, contributions and commitment to living and working in his own way gives one of Hollywood’s underappreciated legends his due.

Cast and crew

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End of Cast and crew

Additional information


Robert Clift

Hillary Demmon

Released year





4.88 GB (HD 1080p)

3.01 GB (HD 720p)

2.39 GB (SD 480p)


The Orchard

Additional terms


English (CC)


1 H 29 Min

WindowsWindows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later
XboxXbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X
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