Clifford Henderson
Another one Devin Doran ND his man Patrick made based on my Livestreaming, they hacked my phone and made games and movie from my Livestream that they hacked! Don't buy nothing from these two as they'll Rob you blind! Bless there retarded hearts they always wanted to be actors however they have one problem! THEY CAN'T ACT!!! Devin is in jail now on meth charges I know these people and don't want you to go through what I'm going through
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Mandy Matchett
South Park need to go back to way it was when it was very funny. This new season don't make laugh as much as the old episodes. In my opinion they need to get rid of strong women and PC principal and them darn PC baby's. take out the the politics in it and make it about the 4 boys again and bring back Mr.Hankey I don't see why was so offensive about him.

Craig Clements
South Park? This Started out as a program for young viewer's, but it began changing to a program that's quickly become something that "Adults" should ask ourselves, should we even be viewing this Program? (Among Others). And what about our Children! We are allowing them to whach these shows, and as long as we do the producers will continue to keep airing them. I'm aware that if this is something that is unsuitable for young children, and older Adults to View, then we need to start whaching other Programs,, Such as Disney or other clean wholesome, and family oriented shows! And yes they do still exist. My point is this, why are we telling our kids Not to say, or do (Inappropriate) things? Yet we allow them to whach, and View such inappropriate shows. We need to be mind full of what we Preach! Not do as we say "But" do as we Do. We Set the example for our Children! Shouldn't it be a "Great" One.
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